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"I'm so nervous..." I put my hands over my face smiling to myself. "I know this is like kinda huge." Abi gushed.

I am finally meeting kaleb's parents we've been dating for 3 months and he's met my parents before, but only for split seconds when he picks me up or they go to a football game I'm cheering at. Tonight he invited me to dinner meeting his parents felt really big.

"Crap I have to go tell me everything later kay?" Abi stands up I nod hugging her she smiled walking out of the gym I sat on the bleachers scrolling through my phone before I heard my favorite voice.

"Hey babe." I smiled standing up to hug my boyfriend. "Hi." He smiled "Are you ready?" He asked I nod taking his hand in mine while we walk to his truck.

Thankfully I didn't have practice today so I'm not in some sweaty cheer uniform. I'm wearing a cute simple dress my long straight blonde hair is in a side braid my bangs covering my eyes a bit I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.We got into his truck the ride was filled with his country music, I hate country music I'll never tell him that. I felt my throat go dry once he parked I don't know why I was so nervous it's nothing crazy plus we've been dating for 3 months I was bound to meet his parents some day or another.

"Don't worry Taylor they'll love you." He smiled I held in a breath and got off with him. "Hey mom." He called his mom as we walked in she smiled wide as she took him in a hug.

"You must be Taylor."

"Yes, hi Miss. Kloss." I smiled she laughed a little hugging me. "Don't worry Taylor I won't bite and call me Tracy." I laughed awkwardly stepping back for a second.

"Hey loserr." I heard someone yell slightly I turned my head there she stood her arm wrapped around kalebs shoulder. She was really nice looking...

"Oh Taylor right I forgot to tell you my sister is here." He said I smiled shyly she just continued to stare at me like some meal. "Well let's get to dinner." Their mom said I walked behind kaleb and sat down at the nicely set table.

I sat in front of his sister and he sat beside me. She looked like some rebellious teen with her leather jacket and doc martens she had a few tattoos spread on her arms. "So Taylor how are you doing in school?" His dad asked taking me away from my thoughts.

"Oh it's been well junior year is so much school." I said "Yep" he laughed. "Kaleb dating a junior? Rare." His sister laughed.

I knew what she meant. Kaleb always dated younger girls only by a year or two but even when he asked me out people found it rare he was dating someone his own age.

"Oh yea." I laughed scared to make eye contact with her.

Okay I have a secret... maybe I kinda of like girls.

It's not a secret to me I mean I love girls so much but no one else knows. I've known for awhile I also know how accepting my parents are with Austin my brother when he came out as gay they treated him no differently. Maybe I'm just nervous I don't want to be the talk of the school. Being popular and gay are sometimes impossible or at least in my conservative ass school. Also since I've been dating Kaleb the girl crazy side of me has subsided. Then this girl not just any girl KALEBS  SISTER comes into my life and now I can't stop thinking of her.

Her smirk...

Her strong arms...

Her tattoos...

What have I gotten myself into?

Edit: loll okay I love high school kaylor stories so much I made my own haha this is gonna be a fun one not too much emotional headaches likes some I've recently read 😪 lol anyways this will be interesting...hope you all enjoy (if you see any grammar mistakes lmk)

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