Kate & La Iglesia

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Chapter: One

Zara was rolling her eyes as Stiles and Lydia bickered about how bad his plan to get into the Calavera's club was. She and Stiles had spent the journey to Mexico on foot following behind the jeep which Scott was driving, she sipped out of her non-see-through bottle full of blood as they approached the building they needed to get into.

Zara waits next to Stiles as Lydia asks the man in Spanish if this was where the party was, Yes Zara was fluent in Spanish.No one else in her family was Hispanic, it was just her. Although she and her siblings are fluent in pretty much everything, Zara excelled the most in Spanish.

Unfortunately the man guarding the door probably realized they were all teenagers and shook his head, but then Stiles pulled out a card with a skull on it, one of the men tilted his head towards the camera and Stiles held up the card to it. The door clicked and suddenly it was open, the two men stepped out of the way allowing them to make their way inside.

It felt very eerie as Zara walked in with her friends, it was a narrow hallways with very dim lights hung on the walls. They all turned their heads when they heard the door slam closed, no way of getting out if they were thinking of escaping.

Zara could hear the loud music blasting from behind the doors, those guards were such liars. She and Stiles both pushed the door open and they entered a very filled to the brim nightclub. Zara glanced around as sweaty bodies jumped and grinded, she flinched at the harsh smell of liquor and weed floating through the room.

God, she hated clubs.

She followed Stiles and Lydia over to the bar and they were instantly given shots, Zara heard a voice above her, she heard the guy over the balcony say to someone that they have visitors in Spanish and then there was suddenly a man walking up behind them.

Be cool, Zara. Don't be too obvious.

"No, on the house." He says to Stiles who had pulled out his wallet. "Most American teenagers don't cross the border just to say refuse a drink."

"We're not here for the drinks." Lydia says

Zara then pulls a shell casing out of her pocket and drops it into her shot glass.

And then they're being escorted through the crowd by said man that approached them, Zara glanced over at Kira and Malia who were dancing together. If she focused hard enough she could hear how fast Kira's heart was beating, she knew she had a thing for Malia ever since she met the werecoyote, maybe this will bring them closer.

Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Isaac and Lyla dancing together, and then she saw Jackson having a drink in the corner. She almost missed Scott who was hiding in the shadows but she knew he saw her when his eyes flashed red, she nodded before being led up the stairs with Stiles and Lydia.

When they're sent to a room they're given 3 chairs, Zara sits down and watches as the older looking woman with short hair pulls out stitches with a blade. "Severo hates this music, but I love the music of youth." She says

Zara rolls her eyes, "We're here for Derek Hale."

"Is that so?" She asked

"We know you have him." Lydia says, the woman yanks out another stitch, "We've heard you can be bought."

Stiles then places multiple stacks of money onto the table, "That's 50,000 for Derek."

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