"Yes— I'm fine." She responded. "Please just watch Hope for a little while longer, I'll be home soon."

"Adeline, if you aren't okay I can help you." Elijah insisted.

"Elijah." She calmed. "I'm okay."

He could tell something was up— but he didn't want to push her and risk making things worse. He said okay and they hung up the phone. Allowing Adeline to get back to work with the witches.

They walked over to the coffin, opening the heavy mahogany wood top. The breath was about knocked out of Adelines chest when she got a look at her husbands dead, desiccated body. He looked worse than the day she found him— so much worse. It was almost to much for her to bare but she had to force herself to think positive, to think he is coming back.

"Okay lets get started." The regent announced. "We need a few drops of your blood."

"Why?" Adeline questioned.

"The blood of the deceased love ones can make our connection to him stronger, make it easier to pull him back to our side." She explained.

Adeline agreed taking the blade from the witches hand and slicing her hand open, dropping the crimson blood into the circle. The witches began chanting around Klaus's body. It wasn't long before several of there noses started bleeding— the more they chanted the more they bled. Klaus was still laying still, unchanged and not moving. They tried again for several more minutes with nothing.

"Why isn't it working?" Adeline choked, the tears were already rising.

"It's not an easy task to bring back a power creature like Klaus. It takes a lot of power— I'm not sure we are enough." She admitted.

"But you brought back the Hallow?!" Adeline protested, shaking her head.

"She wasn't an original— a hybrid." The witch defended. The group began to chant again, trying and trying with no luck.

The regent looked at Adeline with heavy eyes— it wasn't working and it wasn't going to. Adeline clutched her hand over her chest and crashes to her knees in the cold stone floor. The tears began to flood her eyes. She thought this could work— she put so much time into this thinking it could work. This was the only reason she hadn't completely crumbled, because she had this hope and today it was destroyed.

"I'm sorry." The regent breathed. "I could tell you really wanted this."

Adeline didn't want to hear any apologies, she didn't want to look at him any longer. She left the crypt, leaving the coven standing around her husbands body. She had to feel close to him, she needed to. She went to the only place she could, the place he always said he did— their wedding venue.


It was dark, but the string lights were lit, causing a golden glow around the altar. She stood before the old plantation house, remembering every moment. She knelt down, gripping the cool grass between her fingers and squeezing her eyes shut. If she focused hard enough, she could almost feel him.

"God I miss you." She whispered to herself.

The wind blew, tossing her hair around, leaving stray pieces on her face. It was quiet and peaceful, a good place for her to let it all out. She used her hand to cover her mouth, trying to contain her sobs. They are the kind of sobs that made your body jolt, painful.

She let herself feel it all— welcomed the emotions before taking a deep breath and trying to get herself together again.

"Hello love."

It felt like her body turned to stone— she was frozen. It was his voice, but there was no way it was him. She must have been dreaming again. She slowly turned around, preparing to see nothing but there he was. He was standing there, with a small smirk on his face. Her hands began to tremble and her knees felt like they were about to give in.

"Klaus..." she breathed.

She ran to him, jumping into his arms that were waiting for her. He spun her around, smiling into her neck. This is what she dreamed of every night for the last seven years.

Adeline pulled her head off his shoulder and crashed her lips into his. She couldn't sure he was real until she felt his kiss— she still felt like she was imagining it until his lips connected with hers. This was his kiss, his real kiss. She couldn't mistake it. It was everything.

He set her feet back down on the grass, holding both her hands in his. There was no way either of them were letting each other go anytime soon.

"How?" He questioned, smiling at his wife. "Those witches I saw when I woke?"

"Yes. The ninth ward." She admitted. "I found them."

He smiled, shaking his head. Only Adeline would be able to track them down, only she would convince them to bring him back. He thought he would be dead, gone forever but he should have known she wasn't going to let that happen.

They hugged again, Klaus holding Adeline against his chest tightly. He breathed in the familiar scent of her lavender vanilla shampoo, she still smelled just the way he remember.

"I never stopped loving you." She whispered. "Not even for a second."

"I know." He breathed. "Neither did I."

She placed a peck on his lips, smiling.

"I could stay here like this all night." She admitted. "But I think there are some other people who would want to see you."

Klaus smirked and laced his hand with Adelines.

They were headed home— together.

I love them ❣️

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