♥️ Shy Annie X Male Writer Reader

Start from the beginning

(Y/N) and Annie was shocked by the news, not only they almost got caught, there's someone else who escaped the museum as well.

Annie: We could've been followed...

(Y/N): Annie?

Annie: He can come in here and do who knows what?

(Y/N): Annie?

Annie: I don't want Moe to be hurt, I just... Just...

Annie was rocking back and forth on the couch and it looked like she's about to have a panic attack.

(Y/N): Annie!

He pulled her to him and she fully embraced him in a hug. (Y/N) took off Annie's glasses and set them on the arm rest of the couch.

Annie: I don't...

(Y/N): I'll protect you.

Annie: And Moe?

Moe: Yeah what about me?!

(Y/N): Even Moe.

She nuzzles into his chest and calmed down.

(Y/N): You good?

Annie: Uh huh...

(Y/N): You still want to watch the movie?

She nodded her head.

(Y/N): I'll get the snacks.

She looked up.

Annie: No! Please stay.. I'll be more... Comfortable?

Her face had a innocent look and (Y/N) fell for it.

(Y/N): I'll stay..

Annie kissed (Y/N) and put on a movie.

TV: Splat-Tim Reloaded. He's back!

Moe: The game was better than the movie!!!

(Y/N): Shut it Moe.

2 hours later..

Splat Tim: I must go now, the world needs a hero!

He pulled out a gun and shot the screen and the credits rolled.

Annie: That movie was...

(Y/N): Fun? Epic? Super cool?

Annie shrugged.

Annie: All of the above?

(Y/N) checked his phone and it's 11:45 PM.

(Y/N): I got to go home.

Annie: Why?

She said as she yawned.

(Y/N): I'm low on cash, so I'm about to a whole day of battles.

Annie: Can you stay?

(Y/N): What about my pet rock Clive? Or my gear back athghss!

Annie just kissed him to make him stop worrying.

Annie: I want you to... Protect me and Moe.

Moe: I rather get cooked than be with a lame dork!

Annie: Sorry Moe, he'll be here for the night...

She yawned some more. (Y/N) escorted her to her room and Annie asked if he can leave the room so she can get changed. Respecting her wishes, (Y/N) went out the room and waited for her to be done.

Annie: Ok, you can come in.

(Y/N) opened the door and Annie was sitting on her bed wearing black tank top with green shorts.

(Y/N): Looking cute as always.

Annie: (Y/N)!

She blushed from that. (Y/N) just be in his underwear and no shirt. They laid in bed together, and (Y/N) pulled Annie to him for a big hug then put his arm over her waist.

Annie: W-What are you doing?

(Y/N): I think this is what couples do, it's called "spooning"?

Annie: Spooning? I-I never heard of that...

(Y/N): I learned about it from one my squad mates. He said that's how couples work.

Annie was surprised that it's very comfortable.

(Y/N): Goodnight Annie..

Annie: Goodnight (Y-

Then there was banging on the door. The three heard it, Annie and Moe went under the covers while (Y/N) got up from the bed.

(Y/N): Annie! Get behind me.

She got out of bed and went behind (Y/N). Getting out of the room and headed to the front door. Annie got a nearby lamp and (Y/N) opened the door. There wasn't anyone there but instead, a piece of paper written in blood. "You three are dead!" Was written on the paper. The door closed and Annie was trembling in fear and dropped the lamp. The lamp's light bulb shattered upon impact on the floor. (Y/N) embraced Annie and he kissed her forehead.

(Y/N): You go get some sleep, I'll clean up the mess.

Annie: But... (Y/N)..

(Y/N): I'll be fine! I was about to stay up anyway to do more writing.

Annie still wouldn't let go.

(Y/N): Annie go to bed, you have work tomorrow. You need all the sleep you can get.

Eventually, Annie let go and shared another kiss with (Y/N). Annie went back to her room and Moe got back in Annie's hair.

Moe: That loser is nothing but a nuisance to us!

Annie: He's not Moe! (Y/N) and I have a lot in common, he even made Cooler Heads get more attention and business too.

Moe: Don't care! Don't care!

Annie sighed and laid in the bed while Moe was fast asleep. In the other room, (Y/N) picked up the pieces of the broken lamp and made some hot chocolate. The threat hasn't left (Y/N) and he sworn to protect Annie and maybe Moe.... Probably. Today was supposed to be their first date but it turned into something that has got them in a bad situation. Armed with his phone and hot chocolate, he sat on the couch and write more stories while he waits for the morning to come.

To be continued?

Word counter: 2049 words

Female Splatoon characters X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now