16 - Emma

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Rex and I had spent the day packing and moving the contents of Oliver's kitchen into his basement

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Rex and I had spent the day packing and moving the contents of Oliver's kitchen into his basement. Mick had some of his men move the furniture. The only furniture left in the house was the wobbly table, and once again I had planted myself there to work.

Rex came down the stairs with a box. Smiling, he waved it in front of me.

"Aren't you curious? I won't tell anyone if this aftershave goes missing."

He held up an almost empty bottle. It looked expensive, and I wanted to take a whiff. I had refused to clean out the contents of Oliver's bathroom. My biggest fear was finding condoms. I didn't want to know if he brought women home.

I stood and paced. "Are you done up there?"

"What's your hurry?"

I wanted to leave before Oliver arrived. I ran out on him again. He probably thought I was crazy.

"No hurry, but I need to take Oreo."

When I arrived home the night before, I poured a glass of wine. Brynn took one look at me and walked out, only to return with Rex and Ashton.

Rex hummed as he watched me take big gulps. He looked at the other two and then back to me.

"No visible injuries. Hand tremor." Ashton continued as if he were doing a medical assessment. "Pulse." When he stepped closer and attempted to grab my hand, I batted him away.

Rex chuckled. "Rapid."

I looked from Brynn to the boys. "You guys are pains in..." I went to pour more wine.

Brynn cut me off. "Did you eat?"

"I had some pizza." One slice and I was still hungry, but I couldn't eat in front of Oliver.

Rex sat on the sofa and crossed his leg like he was watching something exciting. "Fess up. Did you spill on him?"

"No. I. Did. Not."

Ashton put his hands over his mouth. "She kissed him!"

I huffed out a heavy breath. "No, he kissed me, but right now I need to talk to Brynn about an important matter."

"We're not leaving."

"I'm on the edge of my seat."

I gave the death glared first to Ashton and then to Rex. "Fine." I paused to drink more.

Brynn grabbed my glass, and wine sloshed on our hands in the struggle.

"Slow down. It's not the weekend. What do we need to talk about? Not the hair in the drain again?"

A slow shower drain was the least of my worries. "Oliver is moving out and I might have offered to take in Oreo temporarily."

Brynn looked at me with an open mouth. "Oreo?"

Rex couldn't stay quiet. "His pussy."

Brynn snorted. "Rex, men don't..."

"SHUT UP! Both of you! Can we if Duffy agrees?"

My cat looked up from his spot on the rug and walked over to rub at my feet.

Rex rubbed his hands together. "We'll take her. Then the gorgeous man will have to come visit."

I stood up abruptly. "Visit! Why?"

"He'll miss the pussy."

Brynn snorted as she laughed harder.

Back at Oliver's, I just wanted to leave. I didn't look professional dressed in jeans and Nikes.

Rex put his hands on his hips. "You're avoiding him, but you're not so cold-hearted that you'd take away a man's pussy without him kissing her goodbye."

I threw my pencil at Rex. "Stop!"

Oliver rushed in and looked at me glaring at Rex. "I heard you yell. Is there a problem?"

I put on a syrupy smile and looked at Rex. "No problem." When I turned to Oliver, he was looking at my jeans. I shrugged. "Moving day."

Rex pointed to the box. "Hey, I packed up your bathroom. Emma wanted to know if you had condoms. I told her it was none of her business."

I hid my face with my hands. I needed to surgically attach them because I could never look at Oliver again.

"Sorry man, I was teasing her. She never mentioned condoms."

Oliver laughed, but it sounded forced. Rex must have known he went too far. "I'm going to check on things upstairs. Oliver?"

"No, thanks. She'll be out the door the minute I turn my back."

I mumbled behind my hands. "Maybe even before."

I kept my eyes squeezed tight with my hands covering my hot face. I wasn't a child who thought if I couldn't see him, he couldn't see me. If only. I felt him close to me. His scent gave it away, and his breath tickled my hands.

"Em." His voice was soft. "Don't be embarrassed. I know Rex is over the top. Has he embarrassed you with all your boyfriends?"

Boyfriends! All! I haven't dated since before I moved and met Rex.

Still hiding behind my hands, I protested. "You're not my boyfriend."

"No, but I want to be. I want to get to know you."

"Why?" Why would he?

"Why not? You're beautiful and funny and when I kiss you it feels right."

Unable to control myself, I let my hands fall. "It does?"

He looked serious as he nodded. "Very right." I thought he might kiss me, but he didn't. He pulled on my hand. "Come on. Let's do our walk through."

He didn't drop my hand as we walked to the stairs. My mind filled with two thoughts. One, I hoped I didn't trip. Two, I wished he had kissed me.

By the time we finished looking at the day's work, I felt frustrated. Oliver hadn't kissed me. He hadn't suggested dinner, although Rex was lingering with a smile pasted on his face that my fingers itched to slap off. He enjoyed my misery too much, especially when I tripped over a board and Oliver had to catch me again.

Was that the reason he stuck so close? Does he think I don't know his lawyer asked about liability on the job site?

He casually looked at his expensive watch. "I have to go. My mother serves dinner at six-thirty." Then he looked up at Rex. "Let me know how my Oreo does."

"I'll look out for your pussy, but maybe we should exchange numbers."

I stormed off, ready to kill my former best friend. I was so angry I didn't see the pieces of old carpet until I flew through the air. Landing with my hands, stopping my face plant, I scurried away on my hands and knees.

I heard Rex. "Let her go."

Oliver called out. "See you tomorrow."

I hid until he left. Rex couldn't contain his laughter when I returned.

"I hate you."

"Let's go have your pussy meet his."

I threw up my arms. "If you say pussy again, I am going to grab your tail and twist."

Without waiting for a response, I grabbed my bag, pointed to the cat carrier, and ordered. "Carry Oreo."

At home, we let Oreo out. Duffy came out of his hiding place and sniffed under her tail and walked away with indifference, until I picked up Oreo. Then Duffy hissed.

Rex jumped back. "Maybe I should keep his puh kitty."

Forced to agree, I had hoped my Duff would get along with Oreo. It made me sad, and I wasn't sure why.

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