The X Zevil X Island II

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As I got off the ship, I didn't know where to go, I always been following Killua since I was always so scared of others...maybe if I  go hide somewhere during the whole phase and not get found? That would be better!

I started running away from the ship and into the forest, I could've sworn I ran past Hisoka! I saw him!

A few hours passed and I feel someone following me, it was obvious but I ignored nen was something that even I couldn't describe what it was, it just a type of nen that has little presence but can be strong. 

Since it has a small presence, it most likely wouldn't be noticed by others who are not experienced. 

I am more worried for Gon, he is Killua's friend...and he got Hisoka as his target, I really hope that Gon would be able to get Hisoka's tag, i believe in him. 

As i continue walking, the person following me started getting closer as it is getting darker, since I've been trained with Killua, I can stay up for three days without sleep, it is something basic that Zoldycks must learn anyway. 

I stopped walking a was able to quickly dodge a dagger?!?! that was directed towards me!

I didn't think I was able to dodge it! I was so fast that I think I could've been scratched by it!

"Would you look at that, someone finally was able to dodge my flying daggers" A male voice said as it jumped down from the trees.

"W...who are you?" I quietly asked the mysterious boy who is wearing a cape with a hood covering his face.

"Ah! I am Kass Grey, nice to meet you...Kila Zoldyck" The boy says as he smirked at my bewildered face.

"Kass Grey...Grey?........*Gasp* You are-" I was cut off by the boy.

"That's right, I didn't expect to see the beautiful lady of the Zoldycks be here and it looks like you are my target Kila," Kass says as he started getting closer...

I couldn't believe it! The boy in front of me is the one my mother has on the list of candidates for me to marry! If I remember correctly, my mom is choosing him! i have to run somewhere, anywhere! just to get away from this boy! We may still be 12 but engagements are always set up between "nobles" for power!

ANYWHERE!  I need to run!

I finally came back to my senses and started running, I can't fight him right now! He is stronger than you think! He is the heir of the Grey family, the family that is popular for its power and wealth that they hold! Even if they are from across the world, we Zoldycks have good relationships with the grey family since we often encounter each other on missions!

For the first time in my life, i have decided that starting from today onward, i will try to get stronger and stop relying on Killua...i have always been dependent on Killua but this time...this time...i believe that I should become stronger so that I can protect myself from enemies when Killua isn't here.

As I kept running I encountered Kurapika and Leorio! YES, they can help me! Kurapika saw me running towards him and he stopped walking waiting for me to catch up to them but when I did I ran and hid right behind them both.

"Kila...who is following you?" Leorio asks me as he gently patted my back.

"I looks like the beautiful lady Kila has made quite some interesting friends here," Kass says as he finally stopped in front of Kurapika.

"Who are you? Why are you after Kila?" Kurapika asked Kass as he ready his weapon.

Kass replied with a smirk of satisfaction "Great friends you have here Kila, to answer your question blondie, I am here for her tag since she is my target, Kila stop hiding and fight me already, your brother always wanted to fight me and since he is not here, I'll give you the chance"

(A/n-Uhhh so I forgot what kind of nen I had set up for Kila but I am going to have her have Conjuration. I know I said that she didn't know her nen to Shin in the other chapter...but that was more like a lie...)

I stepped out...I can already see Kass smiling in delight at the chance to fight his soon-to-be wife.

"Fine...Since you are also my target, let us see who wins..." I said out loud for everybody around us to hear since I sense Gon also nearby with someone also following him.

"NICE! I can finally see what you are capable of!" Kass shouted

I activated my nen and let it take shape of daggers, Kass was a Manipulator so he was able to use his nen to work his way around me. 

He threw daggers my way while I threw mine his way even though for others they may seem invisible except for Kass's. Kass made his way towards me a shot something, I never knew what was his product for his nen but mine was solely based on wind, the wind around us is able to move in directions based on the objects I can create with my conjuration.

It went on for a while as I tried my best to avoid the current daggers that are constantly come my way and his nen with was something I never saw before...Kurapika and the others just stood and watched in confusion as they are questioning what exactly am I avoiding and keeping my eyes on.

"Come on Kila, your nen is still so weak! It's time that you start to practice more as the future Lady of the Grey's" Kass yelled out as he released his nen straight my way that dragged me down onto the ground from the tree I was on resulting in me probably spraining my ankles.

I stuck onto the ground as the aura of my nen starts to be overpowered by Kass's nen. I figured out what his product for his nen was, threads/rope.

"I...I give up!" I yelled out.

"See it wasn't so hard now was it? Give me your tag Zoldyck" 

After he lifts his nen off me, I gave him my tag...being defeated by Kass Grey was something normal for me, I always lost to him since the beginning.

"Well then, I am going to take my leave Lady Kila Zoldyck" Kass says as he jumped onto the trees and went away.

"Uh...Kila are you okay? Who was that man?" Leorio asked as he helped me up from the ground.

"Kass Grey" I replied.

"Kass Grey? As in the Grey family from the other side of the world?" Kurapika popped in.

"Yes, Kass Grey, the heir of the Grey family of the other side of the world," I answered them

With my sprain ankle and just a day left of the phase, I'll be admitting defeat of this Hunter Exam.

Kurapika helped me stand up and gently carry me on his back. Killua...I hope you are doing fine.

"Kurapika...Leorio...when I leave the hunter exam...can you take care of Killua?"  I asked them.

"Of course we will but Kila, what exactly were you avoiding during your fight?" Leorio asked 

"Nen, something you will learn of in the future"

"Then what about when he said 'future lady of the Grey'?" Kurapika asked

"Marriage" I replied to them looking down onto the ground

"Marriage?! AT 12?!" Leorio shouted out accidentally which made me giggle at both their faces.

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