"No, he's watching Layla tonight."


"Or it's a good thing that nobody will see us together and tell Johnny."

"I guess. You're still getting shitfaced tonight."

"Oh, for sure."

She pulls onto a road with dozens of cars parked on it and we must be at our destination.

"Jesus." She glances at all the cars and finally finds a spot to park. We climb out and walk towards the house, the music audible from all the way up the street.

"His neighbors must be thrilled." I laugh.

"Not our problem."

We walk up the walkway and through the open front door of the yellow split level house. There's a dining room to my left and a kitchen to my right and two sets of stairs ahead of me, the one on the right going up and the left going down. The left leads to a living room whose furniture has been relocated for the night so people can use it as a dancefloor.

"Hello, ladies," Thomas says. "Alcohol is in the kitchen, dancing is down the stairs, food is in the dining room. If you're gonna hook up with someone please keep it out of the bedrooms."

"You got it." I laugh. "Let's grab a drink."

Cassie and I head into the kitchen and I grab us each a beer.

"Well if it isn't Cassidy Jansen." Jessica Myers fakes a smile.

"My friends call me Cassie."

"Okay, Cassie."

"I said my friends."

I try to hold back a laugh as I pop the top off my bottle.

"Oh, hey, Alex."

"Don't talk to me." I shake my head. "I don't need your trashiness to rub off."

"Someone's still mad about their boyfriend's infidelity."

"He's not my boyfriend." I laugh. "You're gonna have to fight Sadie Adams for him, not me." I take a sip of my beer and grab Cassie's wrist, pulling her out of the kitchen with me.

"What is her problem?" Cassie asks.

"Don't know, don't care."

"Let's grab some food."

I follow Cassie to the snacks and she grabs a tiny red paper plate, tossing some chips and pigs in a blanket on it.

I steal one of the little hot dogs from her plate and pop it into my mouth.

"You took my pig." She laughs.

"Sorry, his blanket looked good."


I take another sip of my beer and steal one of her chips.

"Would you like me to make you a plate?"

"No, it's more fun to steal food off of yours."

"I hope this new boy knows to have extra food available at all times."

I laugh and take a few more sips while she finishes her snack.

"We need another person for beer pong, you interested?" Thomas asks me.

"I'm good." I shake my head.

"What? You're going." Cassie demands. "She'll be right there."

"No, I won't. Find someone else."

Thomas turns and walks away, thankfully taking my side.

"You love beer pong, what gives?"

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