"Isn't that a Silva?"

"Yeah, she's the youngest, what's she doing here?"

"She's a magic knight, don't draw attention"

She heard people whisper as she kept passing them. What caught her attention was that they knew who she was. Even though she was royalty, she figured she wasn't well known in the lower tier levels of nobility, and this was the lowest there was.

"Stop looking at her, she looks pissed, you'll get us in trouble"

"She doesn't look strong though, and they say she can't control her magic"

"Shut up, she'll hear you. She was a key figure in winning the war, she'll destroy you"

Although they didn't stop their covert staring, she did feel quite satisfied to hear how they feared her. A twisted pleasure that she allowed herself to revel in, if only just for this moment. 'Yes, that's right you borderline commoners'

"Lady Silva, wait!" — a voice called for her from behind. Noelle turned around to see a woman run-up to her with a child in her arms.

"Lady Silva, I'm sorry to bother you but I need your help" — the woman pleaded.

Noelle's magic knight instinct kicked in upon seeing the woman's desperate face. She was on full alert. "What is it ma'am?" — she asked, as she looked around for any hostile entities.

"I need a favor please, I know I am no one to ask for anything from someone such as yourself, but please at least hear my request" — the woman lowered her head in submission.

"A favor? So you're not in any danger?" — Noelle continued assessing the situation.

"Well... no, but..." — the woman tried to respond.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I'm in a hurry, if you're not in any danger then I must leave" — Noelle turned and began walking without waiting for a response.

"Please wait!" — the woman yelled, but the royal girl did not stop and remained in motion.

"My husband is a designer and tailor, his designs are ahead of his time but since he is a low tier noble, no one wants to give him the time of day" — the woman said while attempting to keep up with Noelle.

"I did not give you permission to speak" — Noelle responded without looking at her.

"If he doesn't make any sales soon we will lose our home, we barely have enough to buy food" — the woman continued.

"That is not my problem, now stop following me" — Noelle said bluntly and increased her pace, too preoccupied with her own situation.

"Please lady Silva you're our only hope" — the woman pleaded, in her desperation, she grabbed onto the white sleeve fabric of the young woman.

Noelle felt the tug and immediately swung her arm to release the woman's grip, this caused the woman to be pulled and lose her footing.

The woman fell forward, in her descent she managed to shift a bit to her side, and avoided landing on top of her child, resulting in an unprotected landing for her. The child wailed very loudly. Noelle grimaced at the sight and stopped to inspect if she was alright.

"Please lady Silva, all I need is for you to wear one dress so my husband can take pictures and present it. If it's you... someone beautiful and prestigious as yourself... then it's guaranteed he will succeed... please..." — she pleaded again as she made sure her child was alright.

Noelle knelt and helped her stand up. "Are you alright?" — she asked calmly and with concern.

"Yes... thank you" — she said. "Will you help? My house is right over there" — she pointed behind her to a nearby residence.

Eyes on herजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें