truth or dare part 1

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i was woken up by the sounds or faint water i looked next to me to realize mattheo guessing he was showering.

i swinger my legs over the bed and tried to stand up only to be hit by a sting of pain.

i guess those are the consequences when your fucked roughly especially but mattheo riddle.

i knew i wouldn't be able to walk so i slid back into bed and covers my self with the covers avoiding the sunlight from outside.

"well well how you feeling"a deep voice asked mattheo i knew that voice anywhere

"what do you think"i muttered rolling my eyes

i felt mattheo pull the covers off me making me groan in annoyance.

"do you mind"i said sending him a glare

"we got class "he smirked i'm sure he doesn't even care he is always missing them

"fine fine i'm leaving bye"i got up ignoring the pain in my legs making me walk weird but i knew he was enjoying himself.

"i need a shirt unless you want me to leave naked "i smirked which made him throw me a black shirt too big on me.

i left shutting the door behind me going back to the ravenclaw common room surprisingly nobody was there so thank god.

i quickly went to my dorm to see leila gone so i took a shower put on my blouse and my skirt and my stockings.

i looked at my self in the mirror and damn did i look good i quickly grabbed my robe and wand and headed out.

as i headed to the dining hall i felt a presence behind i turned around to be met with leo .

son of a bitch almost gave me a heart attack

"bloody hell do you wanna give me a heart attack"i asked my hand on my chest feeling my heart.

"what do you think your doing "he seethed

"i'm going to breakfast what do you think"i muttered rolling my eyes looking away

"don't act smart with me"he said grabbing my chin forcefully making me look at him

"you know what i'm talking about darling"he smirked letting go of my chin

"ok ok jeez i'm hungry and your pissing me off i'll see you later" i seethed walking away god he was annoying me i heard my stomach grumble you know what i'm craving bacon and pancakes i hope they have some.

i enter the dining and make my way over to amaris and genesis i feel like we haven't spoken at all like we're drifting but if we are then again it would be fault.

"heyy guys"i say smiling while sitting down next to amaris

"girl where have you been we have missed you so much you need to tell us everything once we have finished with class"genesis said smiling grabbing a peice of toast

"genesis is right we've missed you " amaris pouted making me chuckle

" i know i know but ok i'll tell you everything after classes"making them clap in excitement

i feel a presence behind me a turn around to be greeted by draco malfoy lovely.

"can i help you"i muttered meeting his grey eyes

"yeah you can come with me "he said grabbing me by my wrist and pulling me out of the dining.

"are you fucking kidding me right now i'm gonna miss breakfast and i'm fucking starving you dickhead"i yelled enough for only him and few student who started to look at us hear.

merlin this is embarrassing

he pushed me into a closet and quickly placed a tight grip on my neck.

"what do you think your doing with riddle" he seethed

"which one"i muttered

"leo victoria"he said tightening the grip

"first off get your filthy hands off me i don't know where they've been and second why do you care if i hang out with him"i exclaimed rolling my eyes.

"he's a riddle for gods sake they're dangerous"his voice filling up with rage

"ok and your a malfoy"i said annoyed

"fine when you get hurt don't come to me cause i'll be telling you i told you so"he huffed

he open the closet door for me to leave him trailing behind me i was gonna go back to breakfast to see if i could grab something real quick but i was stopped by blaise standing in my way.

"i swear to god"i mumbled

"hey victoria"blaise smiled

"hi blaise what can i do for you"i asked forcing a smile it's not that i didn't like him merlin blaise  is actually my third favorite slytherin.

"well i was wondering if you wanted to come over to my dorm later we're gonna be hanging out malfoy,riddle,párkinson,nott,pucey and your friends"he asked

i really had no energy obviously but if my friends are going then i have to go.

"yeah sure what time exactly"i asked

"come around 10 later"he said walking off to his friends

right i checked and time and realized if i didn't hurry up i was gonna be late to class i quickly ran to potions and was just in time. i took a seat with amaris and genesis.

"alright class good morning"professor slughorn said

"today we are going to be brewing the potion veritaserum can anybody tell me what this potion is"he asked looking around

i quickly raised my hand and the profesor called on me

"miss weasley"he called

"it's a powerful truth serum you drink it and you'll only be able to tell the truth no matter what"i said

"very good now everybody find a partner"he said making everybody quickly go find one i turned around to see that amaris and genesis were already together i looked around and everybody had a partner except for mattheo and leo but that changed when pansy walked over to mattheo so that means i'm with leo awsome.

"so partner who's gonna get the ingredients"i asked setting my bag down

"seeing as your 5'4 i'll go"he smirked

"asshole"i mumbled but i'm not gonna deny he is pretty tall he what 6'0 or 6'1 he fucking tall

he came back with all the ingredients and started doing the potion right away it was so silent between us and it was awkward as fuck so i decided to break the silence

"hey so blaise is having some people at his dorm and he invited me and my friends wanna come"i asked

"no im good"he said

"oh come on why not"i pouted

"because i don't want to unless y'all are smoking then count me the fuck in"he said

"right then come around 10"i said

we finished making our potion being the first ones we decided to pass our time by doodling in our journals.

finally after everybody was done slughorn checked everybody's but ours was the best i'm actually proud of my self.

i left class and headed off the my next class charms i like it but not a lot it's kinda boring.

After charms class i decided to go to my dorm and take a quick nap cuase honestly i'm tired and noticing as i had 45 minutes until my next class i wasn't gonna waste it.

i opened my door and threw off my robe and shoes and slid under my covers.

sorry this is like a fill in chapter so i will post part 2 right away

i'm his and he is mine Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant