new year

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i woke up to the sunlight shining through my window and the smell of mums cooking she always makes the best food.

I groaned knowing I'd have to get up soon and realizing I'm starting sixth year today sadly.

Don't get me wrong it's not that i don't like Hogwarts it's the people in it that make it horrible  except for Amaris and genesis.

we met in first year even though we were sorted into different houses but that didn't stop us from best friends.

We all get along with each others family really well...except for one Mattheo riddle. Amaris brother never liked me , I never knew why.

There were sometime where he would act different when no one was around and it was just me and him. But let's be honest I knew it meant nothing.

He still thinks his words affect me even after five years of his bullshit.

"victoria ginny breakfast is ready darlings"mums yelled.

Me and ginny looked at each other cringing at mums yelling. I groaned covering my face with a pillow before getting up to eat.

It's food who'd turn that down?

"good morning mum"me and ginny said

"morning girls breakfast is on the table"she said pointing at the table where the boys were already  sitting arguing about what prank to do for this year they do pranks every year they have never get caught i'm actually really surprised .

"so my children are y'all excited for a new year at Hogwarts"mum asked while eating

"mhm"is all everybody said while eating.

After everyone was done with breakfast i returned to my room and decided to get changed i wore a black long sleeve shirt with a white short tight skirt (i'm sorry if you don't like i couldn't fine one that i liked so i chose this one )

After everyone was done with breakfast i returned to my room and decided to get changed i wore a black long sleeve shirt with a white short tight skirt (i'm sorry if you don't like i couldn't fine one that i liked so i chose this one )

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After i got done changing i packed my luggage and everything i needed.

"kids let's go your gonna miss the train"mum yelled

"coming mum"i yelled while finishing and putting anything i needed to put in my luggage.

i walked downstairs and everybody was waiting for me.

"come on darling we need to leave"mum said motioning for me to get in the car i did and we drove off to the station.

As soon as we got there we immediately got off and ran to the entry.

There i stood between the 9 and 10

"ok hurry children go go "mums said while she motion for us to speed up our pace

Forever Together Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora