Chapter 1

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Aurora POV:

People everywhere. Foreign people.

I looked around trying to not feel uncomfortable but what else can you feel in a country you don't know.

I carried along my suitcase and went down to the store place where I get all my other luggages.

When I reached the area I got a cart to put my luggage on and started finding my other 2 luggages and stack them on the cart.

Once I finished the stuff I needed to do in the airport I went outside and got my phone out and called Ryan.

Ryan is the person who got me the opportunity to work at a company in Turkey.

I pulled my phone out and called him.

"Hello." I heard Ryan voice on the other side of the line.

"Ryan, I arrived at Istanbul." I said

"Oh wonderful! I'll send you the address to the company." He said to me.

"Ok, then." I said.

"Get a taxi, and give them the address. See you in a bit." He said then hung up.

Ok, well finding a taxi mission, here I go.

I went to call a taxi and got one.

The kind man helped put my luggage inside and thank the lord he can speak English.

"Address ma'am?" Hes asked.

I gave him the address Ryan sent me.

We were driving for about 25 minutes till we reached the company.

I got out and I was amazed.
It's a big building, glass everywhere. Wow!

"Your luggage?" I heard the taxi driver ask me.

"Uh-" I was going to say something but got cut off.

"You can bring it in the lobby, sir." I heard a voice say. It was Ryan.

I turned around and there he was. I only met once in America.

"Nice to see you again, Ms. Romano." He stuck his hand out for me to take.

I shook his hand and nodded.

"Greetings." I said to him.

"So, come inside and get organized in your office, and don't worry about your luggage it's safe." Ryan said to me.

I nodded and went inside.

I met my boss and she was really nice.

1 hours past after I got everything done and situation at my work.

I went to Ryan's office.

"What place am I staying?" I asked him.

"Oh right. That is well a problem." He said to me.

I widened my eyes.

"Problem?" I asked.

"Well you will be staying with a worker here. Her name is Aleera." Ryan said to me.

"I thought I was given a place, my own place to stay?" I asked in total shock.

"Look, the place we were going to let you stay, there were problems there. It's not safe anymore." He explained to me.

"Oh." I said.

"Ok then. I'll stay with..." I said forgetting the name.

"It's Aleera." I heard a girl's voice behind me.

"This is Aleera." Ryan said and I turned around and saw a stunning, gorgeous brown hair girl.

" Ryan said and I turned around and saw a stunning, gorgeous brown hair girl

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