Chapter 3a - Lucious

Start from the beginning

He turned to leave when Phil added, "Be watchful of the Council's hounds. They never fail in their hunt."

With an incline of his head, Lucious left. He had little time to find whoever the named person on the note was.

While listening out for footsteps, he made his way to the closest phone store. One of the halogen bulbs blinked on and off, but no human inside took notice of it.

The girl serving the customers couldn't be older than twenty-five. A bright smile graced her lips when he walked in. Her dead, bleached hair swayed from side to side as she bounced over, smelling of cheap cigarettes and overpowering perfume. "How can I help you?"

Her high-pitched tone summoned forth a headache he didn't have time for. "I need the cheapest phone you have."

The sales assistant pursed her lips. Seconds ticked by. She eventually ran over to the wall decorated with different mobiles. She pointed to four bulky models. "They range from ten to fifty pounds. Which one would you like?"

Lucious yearned for the end of their conversation so he wouldn't have to take her outside and silence her harpy-like screeches. He wasn't hungry from his recent feeding, but her voice drilled away at his sanity.

He took out two fifty-pound notes from his pocket. "I have informed you of what I need, child."

She scowled. "No need to be a dick, mate."

Lucious scanned the orange interior. The browsing customers had left, and he was alone with this impudent human. He lifted her face, gaining her attention. Her body relaxed once their gazes locked. Being undead had its perks. One of them was an ability to influence weak-willed humans to do his bidding.

A blue glow escaped through his irises, intensifying the effect of his hold. With minute force, her will to fight shattered. Once he was certain of his control, he drew away from her.

"Give me the cheapest one, human. The rest you can put on it as credit."

He handed her the money, and she scurried off, eager to please him. When she returned, he left the store and copied the minimal amount of contacts to his new phone. He took out the battery from his old device and discarded it into the nearest bin. The elders had countless ways of tracking. He wasn't about to give in without a fight.

He dialled the one person he could trust, and his friend answered after the first ring.

"Alexander, it's me."

There was a heavy sigh on the other end. "Where are you?"

He scanned the dark alleys he walked past. "Still in London. I got a new lead."

"Are you insane? The Council wants you captured, and you are strolling through the streets without a care?"

Lucious smirked at his friend's concern. "Don't worry. If this intel is correct, I can finally relax. Anna will have her peace."

"And if it's not and you're caught, what then?" Rapid typing accompanied Alexander's words. "Look, I can get you on a private jet, and you can lie low at my club for a while."

"I can't go. Not yet. What if—"

Alexander cursed. "Come here, and I will track down your new lead myself."

"I have to do this alone. I will meet with you once it is done." Lucious ended the call when he heard the beginning of a furious retort.

Tucking the phone in his back pocket, he headed for his hideout. Over the century, he learned that staying in the same place for long brought nothing but trouble. The elders weren't the only people who wanted him found. He wouldn't be surprised if whoever put him on their radar was someone he had pissed off.

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