Chapter 3a - Lucious

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Three heavy knocks echoed throughout one of London's backstreets. While waiting, Lucious shoved his hands in his pockets. A quick glance over his shoulder told him that no one else was nearby. He wrinkled his nose. The stench of rotting meat invaded his acute sense of smell from a large half-opened bin a couple of feet away. He didn't care what or who laid inside.

Lucious glared at the metal door. He jerked his hand out of his pocket, ready to knock again when he heard heavy bolts being shifted on the other side.

About time, he thought and straightened his posture.

The door opened a fraction. "Why did you come here?"

Lucious scowled at the cramped space. Half a face of a short, dark-skinned vampire was the only thing visible. "You were the one who called me here." He forced the door open. "Tell me what's going on."

The scrawny, hunched over man studied him with eyes as dark as the unlit alley he stood in. "You know exactly what's going on!" Phil said, moving out of the way.

Lucious strode inside the dull, grey-walled office and collapsed into a chair. The soles of his boots stuck to the linoleum. Next to his foot, he noted a bloodstain and wondered who had pissed off the old man enough to bleed here.

"You are the informant. Tell me what's going on."

When five bolts locked in place, Phil ambled to his desk and eased into his leather seat. He entwined his fingers on the stack of newspapers and stared at Lucious as if searching for something.

Undaunted, Lucious returned the gesture. He didn't care how old Phil was or how influential. What mattered was the information he stumbled upon.

Phil ran a shaky hand across his balding head. "You don't know the Council is looking for you, do you?"

If his heart could beat, it would stop once more. "Why me?"

"I don't know. No explanations were given. If you are discovered, you must be brought to them."

Lucious pinched the bridge of his nose. What did the all-powerful Council want with him? As far as he knew, he abided by the common laws. There were no plausible reasons for their summons. "You said you found a new trail, so get on with it."

With a shake of his head, Phil replied, "You are a fool for not running when you heard the words 'Council' and 'looking for you' in the same sentence. But, I will entertain the need to find your sire's murderers. After all, you've helped me clean up a few of my messes."

The old vampire rummaged through a pile of coffee-stained paperwork on his messy desk. Not an inch of the surface could be seen under the mounds of papers, materials, and manila folders.

Does he even remember the original colour of his furniture?

Phil smirked and pulled out a note from the stack. He offered it to Lucious who reached into his leather jacket pocket and retrieved a small velvet case.

"Hope she likes it," Lucious said.

Phil traded for the box and hid it in his desk drawer. "She always does."

Rising to his full height, Lucious stashed the info away. He didn't dare to dream this was the last time he had to chase the hunters responsible for Anna's death. "Are you certain the information is correct this time?"

"It has been over a century, Lucious. No one saw it happen, and we have exhausted every avenue. I'm as good as the information given."

"You're right."

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