Chapter 31

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i was coocking when i sudenly heard a nock on the front door "Who would come at this houer? maby george?" i said to myself as i walked to the door, i opend the door and see... Tommy?! he had a lot of bruises and his clothes where all torn up.

"What the heck are you doing here?! and why are you so chratched up?!" i asked while grabing him by the arm and pulling him closer and grabed his face so i could take a closer look at his cuts, some of them where pritty deep... "I was in a mineshaft and i taught i could make it on my one but there where just to many skelletons and spiders, and i'm here becaus dadza would kill me for going in there alone and the others would just make fun of me, i knew you would to but not as mutch as the others" he said with a sigh, i giggeld and pulled him in for a hug, he hesitated but gave me a hug back.

"Y/N...?" i could here Dream say as he came down the stairs, i looked up and Tommy did to huging me tighter as if he was trying to protect me from Dream "Hi Dream" he said with a suspisius tone while still not leting go of me"Tommy it's fine, i'm not gonna hurt her" he said with a slight smile "Am i a ghost or some thing" i said while laughing as Tommy finaly let go of me "You are the dumbest ghost ever BITCH!!" Tommy shouted at me while flipping me of "Do you want help or not?" i said with a sigh as i grabed him by the ear and started draging him up the stairs passing Dream on the way "Oh yeah can you put the food in to the oven" i said to Dream as i was half way up the stairs, he nodded and went in to the kitchen "FINE I SURRENDER NOW LET GO OF MY EAR BITCH!!" he shouted as i let go of his ear and he started rubbing it to make the pain go away.

Tommy sat down on my and Dreams bed while i went in to the bathroom to get some stuff from the first aid kit, i go back and took towel and some stuff too clean his cuts with and started washing them "Ow it hurts like hell!!" he said as he cleched his teeth "Yeah well at least it's not as painful as it was for Dream so you will survive, now can you take of your shirt" i said as i ceapt scrubbing the cut on his cheek and put a bandaid on it "EW now you fucking creepy woman" he said as he put his arms around him so i couldnt pull his shirt of "Tommy i can clearly see that your beeding from your torso so stop being a fucking pussy and take of your fucking shirt" i said crossing my arms, he sighed and took of his shirt and under there i could see a big cut from probably a skelleton "Are you serius" i said with a sigh.

after i finished patching him up i could hear Dream yell that the dinner was ready "Do you want to sleap here for tonight?" i asked him "-sigh- Yes pleas" he awnserd as he followed me downstairs "Can you take out another plate for Tommy while i feed Patches" i asked dream as i went to get the cat food "eh, yeah sure" he said stubling over to the cabinet taking out anothe plate, a glass and a fork and a knive. we all sat down ant they emediantly started talking wich suprised me, they where laughing and talking about old storys i think "i taught you two where like enemys or something" i said with a lugh as Dream laught his ass of "We are!... but where also great friends" Tommy said wich made me really hapy, it might be kinda strange but i'm glad there happy.


ANOTHER CHAPTER POOOOOOOOOOOOG, i really liked this one becaus i just went with the flow, i didn't have a plan other then the fact that Tommy was  gonna come so it might be pritty strange.

In the Night (Dream x Female Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora