Chapter 12

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It was the midle of the night and i herd a big crach from the kitchen and i taught that it might have just been dream falling or somthin when he went to the bathroom or somthing but when i go up and check i can feel Dream besides me in the bed i start to panic. "Dream" i wisper to wake him up "myeah what?" he askes and then he sees the horrifyd look on my face "Hey what is it? Tell me!" He sais with a worried tone "There's somone in the kitchen" i say and then he hears a noice to. We get up and fast put on some clothes, i put on a blous and one of Dream green sip up hoddies and a pare of shorts,  Dream puts on a pair of black swets,  a grean hoddie and his mask.

i help him limp down the stares as i feel my feet leve the ground and being thrown over somones shoulder, when i by suprise stop helping Dream he trips and fals on the stairs "Dream!" i shout as i look around to see who picked me up and then i saw two pares of hornes "Schlatt you fucker" i hear Dream say as he grabs the railing of the stair to get up. "Hehe, why such harch words, you hurting my felings" He sais with a evil tone, then behind Dream i can see a man golding up a club of some sort "DREAM WATCH OUT!!" I scream but it's to late, the man behind him hits Dream in the head and he faints "SchlLATT YOU FUCKER!!" I say as i start kicking him "Now is that any way for a princess to talk" He sais whit a smirk.


I don't have anything to say other than SHIT right now

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