part 7

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it was friday, the last day of term before we have a week off for easter, i was up early for a change.. katy stayed round my house last night because she was scared incase i cut myself because of harry.

i took a shower and got changed, i put my hair in a messy bun but i didnt put any make up on because i just didnt have enough power to.. i didnt care how i looked.

me and katy got to school and i walked to my locker to get my books out for maths ''hello slut'' cara said coming up next to me i sighed ''i have one simple thing to tell you, dont fucking put your dirty gross hands off harry, he doesnt like fat girls like you.. he never has slept with one so get over it hes mine'' she said smirking

''dont talk to her like that'' katy said ''shut up'' cara replied.. you could see the anger in katys eyes. the pain in my stomach came back, i took a deep breath to calm down and i did a little but i still felt strange. things came to my mind about the pass.

cara and her group of friends where just as bad as georgina and her friends at my old school. all mean and bullies.

i walked off with katy following behind me ''ignore her, dont you think of doing it'' she whispered in my ear i smiled at her ''ok'' i replied

the day hand ended, katy went home early because she had a dentist appointment.

i put my things in my locker and walked out the school gates ''alexa'' i heard someone shout i just ignored them.. acted like i didnt hear them. i heard the footsteps coming closer and closer i stop in my steps taking a deep breath as i do

i turn around knocking into somones chest not knowing they was that close to me ''ouch'' his raspy voice said ''what the hell alexa.. why didnt you stop when i called your name?'' he asked me ''harry give me a reason to turn around'' i told him ''i wanted to talk'' he replied

''about what? we already talked and you made things pretty clear. what a huge mistake taking me to dinner was, im a slut. ect'' i told him walking away

''cant you just let that go?'' he asked walking next to me ''let go? you're joking right?'' i asked him harry laughed in my face ''little slut'' he said which made my heart sink again ''FUCK YOU'' i shouted at him making him jump at my sudden out burst

''never use that language towards me, im harry fucking styles i can make or break you baby and for now you have fallen from the edge.. see you soon baby'' he said kissing me on the cheek

i didnt know what to do.

my heart sank.

those words, they killed me.

i felt the goosebumps take over my skin, my arm hairs stading up high as the too familiar feeling took over my body.

i cant let this happen again.

i wont let this happen again.

follow me on twitter --- @hazstyles12

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You're making things worse for me.. Why? (Harry styles) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now