Remembering the past made me teary. Is there still a chance to go the to past? Where everything still seem fine?

I washed away my thoughts. No matter how many I think about it, it will never go back to the past.

My eyes suddenly caught Jiang Cheng who was hugging Jiang Yanli's dead body. It was the last thing I saw before passing out.


I woke up from a noise I could hear.

"When will she wake up?" a female voice asked, her tone sounded like she's worried.

"Don't worry, she'll wake up soon." another female voice could be heard, replying to the other female, her voice gentle, comforting the other person.

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to sit up from the bed.

"Where... Where am I?" I asked to myself.

"Shanli!" a loud female voice called for me as she jumped at me, hugging my neck.

"Shanli... you're awake." The other said. I blinked my eyes, finally seeing my surrounding clearly.

"Lan Shuang? Lan Cuifen?" I asked if it was really them.

Seeing both of Lan Shuang and Lan Cuifen, that only means I'm in the female quarters.

Lan Sect is known for its stringentness, the GusuLan Sect had recited things like men and women were different and thus should not be over-intimate with each other for tens of thousands of times by the ears of its disciples. The studying and resting quarters for male and female cultivators were strictly separated so that nobody could walk a step over the line. They rarely wandered out of their own areas, and even night-hunts were mostly separated by gender, either all men or all women, almost never both.

"It's us." Lan Cuifen replied from my question.

"Where am I? How long was I asleep?" I asked as Lan Shuang finally separated herself from me.

"You're in your room." Lan Cuifen replied.

"You have been sleeping for three days!" Lan Shuang replied at my second question.

I've been sleeping for three days. My stomach suddenly growled.

"I'll grab some food for you." Lan Cuifen said as she stood up.

"T-thank you." I said, embarrassed.

Lan Cuifen came back after a few minutes, holding a wooden tray with a food on it. She put it down at the table right beside my bed.

"You still haven't fully recovered so I'll feed you." Lan Cuifen said, wearing an expressionless face.

"No! I'll feed you!" Lan Shuang interrupted.

"Lan Shuang, let me feed her."

"But I want to feed her instead!"

"I told you, I'll do it--"

I stood up and grabbed the wooden tray and walked to my desk, putting it down as I sat down.

I looked at them and smiled, "I can feed myself." I said and started eating.

After finishing the food, Lan Shuang insisted on returning the tray back to the kitchen so we let her do what she want.

None of us talked, waiting for Lan Shuang to return. Having spaced out for a moment, a few faces flashed through my mind.

Love, Trauma, and Obsession (Jiang Cheng x OC)Where stories live. Discover now