Chapter 2 - Hanako-Kun

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After school the following day, I was eager to see Hanako again and see what he wanted to show me. This time, I wasn't wearing the girls' school uniform. I supposed I should tell him sooner or later that I'm not a girl.

I arrived at the girls' bathroom again and noticed that Hanako-Kun was sitting on the windowsill, presumably waiting for me.

"Oh hey..!" His voice trailed off when he noticed what I was wearing. He looked back up at me and had a confused look on his face.

"I thought I should tell you, I'm actually a guy. Funny how we both have similar secrets?" I hoped he didn't lose interest in me because of my gender. But it didn't seem to bother him since his face lightened up.

"Ooh! That makes so much sense! You confused me there. Anyway, since we are friends I wanted us to be able to make contact with each other." Hanako reached down his pocket and pulled out two necklaces and continued.

"These are Binding Pendants, If I wear one of these and you do too, we'll be able to hug each other!" He smiled and wrapped his arms around himself as if I didn't know what a hug was.
He dropped a pendant into my hand and put the remaining one around his neck.

"So you're not bothered by me being a guy I take it?" I asked while putting the pendant around my neck.
As I looked up at Hanako, he floated over and leaned in getting close to my face. I felt my face get hot as he got even closer and kissed me on the cheek.
I let a tiny squeak exit my mouth, in embarrassment, I covered my face.
Goddammit, he's so good at making me blush.

"Nah not really, personality is most important to me." He put both of his feet on the ground and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Your face is all red, is everything alright?" Hanako asked with a concerning tone in his voice.

"Y-yeah I'm not used to people showing real care for me is all, especially.." I almost admitted to him that I thought he was cute. He's a ghost, he's not going to fall for an ordinary human. I inform myself.

"Especially whaaat? You think I'm cute don't you!" He beamed with a pink shade on his cheeks. I giggled at his cuteness, agreeing with him without having to admit anything.

A few hours later..

Hanako-Kun and I have been chatting for a good few hours, it's beginning to get dark outside.
Sometimes I wish I could spend my entire day with him, or maybe even sleepover with him.

"Hey Hanako-Kun, is it possible for you to leave this school?" I asked. He looked up in thought.

"Yeah, it's possible, especially since we're bound to each other. However, if we weren't bound I wouldn't be able to leave at all." He remarked and looked back down at me.
"Anyway, it's getting quite dark outside, maybe you want to start heading home." He indicated towards the window.

"Yeah, it is. I'll see you tomorrow though right?"

"You bet!" He leaped over to me and hugged me. I squeezed him back, said goodbye, and went home for the night.

Hanako-Kun's POV

Aoki-Kun took off to go home for the night. I drifted over and settled down on the windowsill.
Every time I thought of Aoki, I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my stomach.

"What is this feeling.. I can't want him like that, could I..?" I muttered under my breath. I decided to take my mind off it.
"besides his friend request, he hasn't wished for anything, in particular. maybe he's too nervous to ask. I can tell there's something he's keeping from me." I knew it wasn't bad, but there was something he wasn't disclosing.
"He just met me, I don't expect him to open up straight away." I smiled and shut my eyes in peace.

Hours later, I noticed the sun beginning to rise.  The school must be opening shortly.
Just as I anticipated, the bell rang. Needing some fresh air, I decide to go to the rooftop.

I stood near the edge of the rooftop leaning against the fence, watching the cherry blossoms fall from the cherry trees. I sense the warmth of the bright sun shining on my back. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, I pretend I'm still alive.
Not realizing I've been standing there all day I hear a voice sound from behind me, startling me.

"Hanako-Kun? There you are! I was looking for you in the bathroom, but I noticed that you weren't there." Aoki announced.

"Ah sorry about that, kinda lost track of time there. Hope you didn't miss me too much!" I shifted closer to Aoki, he blushed. I cupped his face in my hands aiming to tease him, but to my surprise, I felt my face go red too. I let go of him and laughed it off, rubbing the back of my head.
Aoki did the same.

"Why don't we head down to the restroom. I need to clean it, don't I?" He smiled innocently. I agreed.

Your POV

After cleaning the bathroom I sit beside Hanako who was sitting on the window sill like he always does. I rest my head on his shoulder.
He doesn't say anything but wraps his arm around me, holding me tight.

"So.. you haven't talked much about yourself or your past. If you don't want to talk about it that's fine, I understand." I wrapped my arms around Hanako's torso and slightly squeezed him.
"You know, my parents aren't very supportive of me being gay. Ever since I met you, I finally feel.. excepted." I felt like this was a reasonable moment for me to open up a bit more.

At that second, Hanako turned over to face me and put both of his hands on my face. With my arms still around him, he leaned in close and kissed me.
All racing thoughts settled, I was surprisingly calm.
He snuggled in tight to me, resting his chin on my shoulder and I did the same.

"I.. I love you Aoki."

"I love you too."

Your Wish? - Hanako-Kun x M!reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now