Chapter 3 - Behind a Cheerful Smile

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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING - Abuse and Bullying

I went shopping on Saturday so I could make bracelets for Hanako and me. We're not officially together, but I want to let him know that I love him.
Ever since Friday, I couldn't wait to see him again.

"Aoki. Since you were busy on Saturday with your little shopping trip, mind telling me where the hell you got that necklace you're wearing?"
My dad was shouting at me again. Whenever my mom is at work, my dad finds any excuse to accuse and hit me for his absence of a job, and alcohol problem.

"A friend from school gave it to me." I resumed weaving my bracelets.
Suddenly, I felt intense pain in my head along with the sound of shattering glass. Everything went dark.

Hours Later

I woke up, laying in my bed. I stood up and slowly shuffled to the bathroom, turning on the light. I stared at my reflection. My typical faded hair was stained red.
I grabbed bandages from a cabinet, and wrapped them around my head, alleviating some discomfort.
I glanced back at my reflection.
Why does my dad get so furious at me? I'm just his damn punching bag..

Finally, I completed both of the bracelets. Time for bed. I can't wait to see Hanako again. I drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, I headed off for school. Once I arrived at my first lesson of the day, I noticed that my childhood crush was sitting with his friends as usual except they turned to look at me.

"Oh, it's just Shimizu. I heard that he..." I gathered that they were talking about me, but I couldn't make out what they were uttering.
"Hey Ryuhi, should we beat up the little femboy?" I halted in my tracks. I inferred they had possibly found out that I had dressed as a girl, or they saw me in the girls' bathroom at some point.
Takashita and his friends stood up and dashed toward me at a rapid pace. I whirled around and attempted to run away but somebody lunged on my back.

"So Shimizu, one of my pals here saw you in the girls' bathroom. Are you some sort of pervert now?" Takashita's laughter echoed throughout my head. Before I could reply to his accusation, he snatched the back of my head and smashed it into the floor tiles. I began to hear ringing in my ears, I closed my eyes shut.

"Maybe he just wants to be a girl! He's always had an obvious crush on you Ryuhi." His friends cackled.

"Wow, What a loser." Takashita's words stung like sanitizer on a fresh cut. He jabbed his knee into my spine. I felt a pop.
To my surprise, Takashita lifted off me. I gradually stood up and turned to look at him. But immediately as I glanced into his eyes, he wound his arm back and struck the left side of my face.
I fell to the ground.
All I could hear was laughing, as tears began to form in my eyes.

"Aww is the little girl gonna cryyy?" Takashita's friend mocked. They cackled and mocked me as they turned around and walked away.
I mustered up all the strength I had left to get up and saunter to the bathroom. Luckily, it was empty. I pulled bandages from my backpack and put them on my injuries.

"Why have I become a punching bag recently..? First my dad, now my childhood crush." I muttered to myself.
"Takashita Ryuhi used to be the sweetest guy. I think I fell in love with his golden hair and tall stature. Then again, I never got to know him personally because he's a year older than me and we only have one class together." I was rambling to myself again.

After School

The final bell rang, signifying I at to see Hanako-Kun again. I headed up the stairs to the bathroom, extra cautious so no one notices.

"Hanako-Kun?" I called out before entering, my voice raspy.

"Oh! Aoki, you're here..!" Hanako trailed off when he noticed me. He ran up and snatched me up bridal style. He hovered and gripped me tightly.
"I swear every time I see you, something happens. What happened this time?" He questioned.

"Hanako-Kun don't worry, just some kids being mean." I chuckled to lighten the situation.

"Aoki, you have more than a 'just kids being mean' look on your face. Is something else going on?"
I could tell Hanako was concerned for my safety. I sighed.

"My dad gets mad at me for the littlest things, especially after he drinks." I proceed.
"I do still live with my mom, but she works on the afternoons and sometimes night shift. Whenever she's gone, my dad-" Hanako pressed his finger to my lips, hushing me.

"I can put the story together, you don't need to re-live that experience."
Hanako set his feet on the floor and set me down, I reached into my pocket.

"I made these for us, I uhh.. wanted to express to you that you mean a lot to me, but I didn't know how to put it into words." I grabbed one of them and slid it into Hanako's hand.

"Aww it's so cuteeee!" He held his hand far out, adoring the bracelet around his wrist. He looked over at me and gave me a large smile. Seeing him happy is all I wish for.

"Anyway, I want to forget about yesterday. How about we go up to the rooftop?"

Your Wish? - Hanako-Kun x M!reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now