Chapter 15: Possessed by the Machine

Start from the beginning

Fright Wig: I don't need your help, I can handle myself. (Crosses her arms with a huff)

Ben: (smirks) Suuuuure.


Soon after they freshened up, The louds and the group were in the dining room & enjoying their breakfast. The only ones who were absent was Sid, Ronnie Anne, Haiku, Carol, Fright Wig (who was eating in the living room) and Maggie (who was in the shower).

Polly Pain: Ah, nothing like a nutritious breakfast to start the day.

Lola: Ugh, it's raining cats and dogs outside.

Leni: I thought it was raining water?

Lola: ..... It was just a phrase Leni. It's not literally raining cats and dogs.

Leni: Oooooh.

Lincoln: So Lori, how's Carol?

Lori: She's fine. I'm not sure how Carol retained her sanity when she was corrupted by the alien waves effects but at least Carol is still on our side.

Luna: Sigh... True but the same can't be said about Mazzy.

Sam: Yeah, when Luna, Tabby and I awoke from our rest, Mazzy got loose from her restraints and tried to attack us. Luckily, Lana and Lisa build a special cage to contain her.

A loud scream was heard.

Bobby: That's carol's voice!

Before anyone can get up, footsteps can be heard running as Carol came bursting through the door. Everyone gasped as Carol was... normal?!

Carol: Guys! Look at me, I'm back to normal!

Bobby: That's unbelievable! She's back to normal!

Lori: How?!

Carol: (raises her arms) I don't know!

Suddenly, Diamond shards shot out of her hands to the ceiling, much to everyone's surprise.

Renee: Holy shamoly!

Francisco: You shot diamonds out of your hands!

Tabby: But she changed back to normal somehow!

Ben: Hmmm... You must be like Alan.

Carol: Huh? Who's Alan?

Ben: He's a friend of mine and a Plumber's kid, who is half human half alien. The wave didn't corrupted you... not entirely, it must've awakened your dormant alien DNA.

Carol's eyes widened in shock.

Carol: I'm... half alien?

Lola And Lana: She's half alien...?!

Lori: When and How?

Ben: I'm not sure when but how... maybe one of her parents is an alien.

Carol: B-But my parents were normal! H-How am I half alien?!

Ben: It is a possibility that one of them is an alien, you managed to turn back to normal and you're not going crazy due to the DNA rupture wave's effects so that could be it.

Carol looks down at her hands.

Carol: I... I... think I need to be alone right now.

Carol turns and runs out of the dining room, Lori, Leni, Becky and Bobby got up and ran after her.

Lynn: That was mind blowing.

Luan: Ditto.


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