Chapter 1.

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When I woke, all I could hear was metal on metal. All I could see was engulfed in a dim red light. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes I tried to remember anything, anything at all. Only one thing popped into my mind, everything else was cloudy. My name is Ivy, just remember your name, Ivy, Ivy,Ivy, I chanted softly.

The box I was in jolted to a stop just as I figured this. For a few minutes I waited and didn't budge from my corner. Then quickly the top of the box was ripped open, three boys of different builds stood over the opening. After many gasps and whispers where exchanged, one of the first three jumped down and met my gaze, his gorgeous blue eyes locked on my grey ones. Neither broke the stare until someone with dirty blonde hair, and a British accent laughed and shouted 'Gally got yourself a girl there eh.'

I had enough of the laughs and snarled 'Oh shut your trap, you little weed!'

This only prompted a snide remark to who I guessed to be Gally 'Yep, definitely, she got a temper like you that's for sure'

Gally clasped both my hands and swiftly brought me to my feet. Just as he grabbed a rope to help me out, I started climbing the side of the box- cutting my arm on the way out, but it was worth it- I teasingly sat at the edge swinging my feet. More laughs erupted, but Gally thrust a hand to me, not wanting to be compared to him again I held it and pulled him up.

When we were both on our feet he took a deep breath and wondered away, leaving me with the blonde guy I called a weed. As I learned his name is Newt, he didn't like my snide remark, and was gonna have to show me around tomorrow as my little stunt took up most of the allocated time.

As he turned away he shouted that I was gonna need that cut looked at. I didn't realise the puddle of thick, sticky blood that had accumulated at my feet until he had pointed it out. Newt lead the way to a big building called the homestead and left me to find the medjacks myself.

After I had been seen to, Gally came in with a cut himself- the medjacks looked confused but never questioned him, from the corner of my eye several times I caught Gally looking at me. When I went to stand up and leave, he did the same.

Quickly I go and walk into the woods not looking back, I didn't need someone following me, not when I'm scared enough as it is.

I hear Gally shout for me so I turn round, as I see him speed up I turn back and run face first into a tree that appeard seemingly out of no where. It's thick branches protruding at face level. As I fall to the ground I hear Gallys foot steps stamp heavier, before I black out I feel my nose- streaming with blood and throbbing. Suddenly I feel weightless, then I hear his heart beat, and can relax in his warm embrace enveloping my small frame.

The last thing I hear before my senses leave is Gally whispering 'You stupid shank, good thing I'm nice enough to help you.'


First chapter I've ever written, what do you think?

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