Ch 117.2 - Busy

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The next day, Zhou Sheng casually mentioned to his department's manager that he would be going to Beijing during the weekend, but the manager was a little surprised.

Zhou Sheng, "What's wrong?"

"I was going to take a few of you guys out to Guangdong for a meeting." The manager said, "Can you reschedule it on your side?"

Zhou Sheng answered, "I can't reschedule it."

The manager said, "Then what should we do? We'll have to think of something."

Zhou Sheng was baffled. He didn't expect anything else to happen over the weekend as well. Was this considered overtime? Many employees in Yun Lai Chun did work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays; on the one hand they could earn some brownie points, and on the other hand, the single dogs could scrimp on their electricity bills.

"I'll let Director Huang know." The manager said, "He wasn't really in favor of taking up your private time in the first place......"

The deputy general manager of the business department wasn't one of Zhou Laichun's "people". Zhou Sheng understood at once, and the manager was very tactful as well. He stopped talking right then and said, "See if there's anything else you can do about it first ba, if you really can't, then don't go."

Zhou Sheng was worried about letting Yu Hao go to Beijing alone to start work and had planned to buy a ticket to accompany him there to settle down first. But Yu Hao's call came real quickly.

"You're sending me off this weekend?" Yu Hao asked.

Zhou Sheng was absolutely puzzled, "How did you know that?"

Yu Hao said, "Your father called me and said that you'll be going to Guangdong......"

Zhou Sheng blew up at once. Yu Hao said, "Don't get angry, I didn't ask you to send me ah. I'll go by myself. I'm getting a high-speed rail ticket, and I'll arrive the next morning, I've already bought the ticket."

Zhou Sheng, "No way!" Then he noticed that the people around him were looking at him. The office was rather quiet, so Zhou Sheng had to go to the emergency exit at the corner of the corridor to talk. Yu Hao insisted that he would be fine going alone, and asked Zhou Sheng to fly over for a visit after he was done being busy. Zhou Sheng was a little irritated, and they almost quarreled again.

Zhou Sheng, "What kind of a bullshit company is this? Even the crown prince has to work overtime. They won't even let me off on weekends. Just wait and see, when Laozi takes over......"

"Keep your voice down!" Yu Hao said, "Are you in the office? I'm only leaving with one luggage case, and isn't it the same if you come visit me in a week?"

Zhou Sheng could hear the door of the emergency exit close, so he had to say, "I'll stop here, let's talk about it again when I get home tonight."

Zhou Sheng returned to the office. Zhou Laichun sent him a message again.

【Can't you find a place where there's no one else there to make your call? A few people from the advertising department including the director were smoking in the stairway, and they heard everything.】

Zhou Sheng blacklisted his father and only removed him from the blacklist after work. There was no need for anymore dinner engagements tonight, thank God. But the manager gave him a stack of strategic plans to read and asked him to come up with a new one using those as a reference. And he had to finish it by Friday.

Zhou Sheng wanted to blow up, but when he thought about how the manager was part of his father's 'own people', he must have gotten some hint to get Zhou Sheng to produce some results as soon as possible, so he couldn't say much about it.

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