Ch12 - Shi Ni

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Zhou Sheng's clothes took three days to dry, during which, this guy expressed his outrage at Yu Hao's self-reflection.

"What self-reflection?" Zhou Sheng said, "How are you going to self-reflect? What on earth did you do wrong? Even if someone should write a self-reflection, it should be me."

Yu Hao seriously wrote his self-reflection before he sent it to Chen Yekai. He had taken upon all of Zhou Sheng's faults onto himself, and thought that if he wrote his self-reflection sincerely, the dean might retract the detention punishment she gave Zhou Sheng.

But his wish was soon shattered. Chen Yekai notified him that on 30th December before the New Year Day's holiday, the college would send out a notice.

"The Shi guy contacted the media." Zhou Sheng scrolled through his phone, his screen was filled with topics related to the incident where he and Yu Hao had picked up money without pocketing it, then he continued, "He's going to report us for stealing and hitting him."

Yu Hao said, "What will happen?"

"We'll get scolded by the netizens ba." Zhou Sheng said indifferently, "It's not a big deal."

When Yu Hao was thinking, Zhou Sheng continued, "Shi guy wants to sue us for intentional assault and sue you for theft."

Yu Hao, "When?"

Zhou Sheng didn't reply. He continued to scroll through his phone as he read the news.

"I want to look for Shi Ni." Yu Hao suddenly said, "Before the 30th, I must talk to her. I'll talk to her myself."

Zhou Sheng shifted his attention from his phone to Yu Hao's face.

It was a Friday. During their grade conference, Yu Hao recited his self-reflection in front of their entire cohort. When he finished, the sports classes that sat at the last few rows suddenly burst into a round of applause, then they instigated all the other students to smack their tables, clap loudly and cheer with them.

The counsellor's expression instantly turned particularly ugly. Form teacher Chen Yekai stood up immediately and glared at the back rows. He was about to reprimand them when he was met with half a classroom worth of cameras and the shrieks of girls who owned them. Thus, before he could start scolding people, he had blushed furiously and retreated as he hastily sat back down in the midst of a background of laughter.

"Mr. Shi's family will not accept civil mediation. After New Year's, the college plans to find a lawyer for you guys." After the conference was over, Chen Yekai stopped Yu Hao and Zhou Sheng outside the venue and explained, "The lawyer will be responsible for both Yu Hao's case and Zhou Sheng's intentional assault."

Yu Hao said, "Let me do it myself ba, I'll go to the Legal Aid Center to fill in the application form."

Chen Yekai waved his hand and drank some water. He frowned deeply and said to Yu Hao, "The dean is very concerned about this matter now, it is no longer a problem that only concerns the two of you. Now that they're pushing this onto the college too, the dean's thoughts are: since they're not willing to talk it out amicably, then she won't quietly tolerate their accusations either."

That came as a complete surprise to Yu Hao. Chen Yekai continued, "No one wanted this to happen. I've been so busy the past few days my feet hardly touched the ground, and this situation will last for awhile. Don't be too hard on yourselves over this."

Chen Yekai hadn't look for Yu Hao again for several days in a row, as if he was treating him a bit coldly. There were a few times when Yu Hao wanted to talk to Chen Yekai, but Chen Yekai always ignored him. After their conversation today, Yu Hao finally felt at ease.

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