"Mommy?" Hope questioned, seeing her parents at the door with an unfamiliar witch.

"Don't worry baby, Sophie is a good witch. She is going to help us figure out how to help you, okay?" Adeline calmed.

"Okay." Hope agreed.

Klaus stood beside his daughter's bed, carefully watching as Sophie asked Hope if she could place her hands on her head, Hope agreed. Sophie stayed like that, thumbs pressed on the center of the young tribrids forehead for sometime. When she pulled her hands off, she stared down at the girl, then slowly turned her head back to her parents. She didn't have to say anything, they knew it was bad.

They followed Sophie out of the room and down the stairs, they needed to get away from Hope. No one wanted her to over hear anything that might scare her.

"What is it?" Klaus barked.

Sophie turned and faced them, letting out a deep breath. "When the Hallow was killed, she didn't technically die. I mean her body did, but she implanted her soul inside Hope." she explained.

"What?" Adeline gasped.

"All the dark supernaturals the Hallow killed are now affecting Hope and I'm afraid it will only get worse. There is too much power inside her...It will...It will eventually kill her." she breathed.

"There has to be something that can be done, some kind of fix." Elijah insisted. Klaus and Adeline stayed silent, lacing their hands tightly in with each other.

"I'm sorry." she shook her head. 'If there was one, I would help you but I'm afraid there is no way to fix this."

"I don't accept that answer!" Klaus bellowed, hurrying across the room and grabbing Sophie by the neck. The witch was gasping for air.

"Klaus!" Adelime shouted, gesturing to the top of the stairs where their daughter was watching. He immediately dropped the witch to the floor and felt ashamed she saw her father that way, he never wanted her to see that. His emotions were getting the better of him.

Sophie picked herself up off the floor and headed for the door out. She turned around to the family-- "I really am sorry." She admitted and left hastily.

"Oh my god." Adeline wept, throwing herself into Klaus's chest.


No one wanted to accept Sophie's answers. They spent the next several days reading, scouring the internet for anything and trying to find anyone from the Ninth Ward Coven but they had no luck and Hope was getting worse. The Hallow was starting to mess with her mental and Physcial health. They could see the little girl they once knew withering away, with no way to help.

Klaus was at his wits end, feeling sick to his stomach when he came across and article about magic syphoning. His interest was peaked and he started to think he may have an idea, a way to fix this. He stepped out of the house, into the backyard and pulled out his phone. He wanted to speak privately.

"Hello?" The voice answered on the other end of the phone.

"Caroline, it's me Klaus." he spoke. "Hope is in a bit of trouble and I need your help. I know it isn't my place to ask, but please its for Adeline."

"What do you need?" Caroline asked.

Klaus explained his theory on the phone to her and she agreed it might work, but they also agreed it needed to be kept a secret from Addy. Caroline promised she would get in the car and be there with her daughters by morning.


Klaus joined Adeline in there bedroom, she was relaxing in the bathtub trying to keep herself from falling completely apart.

SINNER - Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now