Walking in a nightmare simulation!

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Peter and I were walking through the simulation, and I'm really surprised we haven't seen much.

"So, when do you think this ends? When we're dead? Or when we wake up?" Peter asks, probably trying to break the silence.

Just then, Peter's body flickered as if he were a hologram and eventually disappeared. Walls kept rushing toward me until I was in a relatively dark room.

"Oh my gods." I hear from one of the shadows. "H-Henry?!" I'm taken aback, "Nicole?!" She runs out of the corner in a ball of shadows and engulfs me in a hug.

"Oh my gods, Henry, do you know how worried I've been?! Are you okay? Where are you? Is Peter with you? And is he okay?! You're not dead I know that for sure, but why do you look so ragged?!" She looks closer, "WHY DO YOU HAVE TEAR STAINS?!" He seemed to ramble forever.

I back away, nervously ignoring her gaze. "I'm fin and Peter was with me, he's fine that I know of, I don't know exactly where we are. I think this is a simulation-" that's when the thought popped into my head.

"Nicole, you have to leave. I love you, but you cannot spend more time here. It could end bad. Uh...Jess might have a clue as to where we are..."

She looks at me appalled, "Henry, you've gotta tell me what's going on, maybe I can help." I shake my head "no. It would only be worse if you stayed. There's already two of us trapped here and that's bad enough. Please, you've got to trust me on this."

She blinks tears out of melted chocolate eyes, "okay. But the first thing you will do when you wake up legitly is talk to me, got it?" I nod as she engulfs me in another hug.

Just then, Nicole and the room fade. "-enry! Henry!" I look up at Peter who had been shaking me worriedly. He sighs relieved, "dude are you okay?!" I nod, "why wouldn't I be?"

"You just like...collapsed. It was so sudden and I was worried..." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Peter, I'm fine. Now come on. Let's find a flaw or something, and on the way, I'll tell you about my visit with Nicole.."

We walked through the simulation as I explained.


I pace my cabin on the Argo II worriedly. We had brought Nicole and Willie just so that she could look after Nicole. I know Blake was a touchy subject, I just didn't know how touchy it actually was..

Just then I heard Lea's voice over the intercom. "Can all of you weirdos that Aren't hot like me report to the dining hall?" I smile slightly heading to the dining hall thingy.

I'll admit that even with Peter missing, maybe dead, that she can brighten the mood. Even if only a smidge. (I still don't think that's a word but shush,)

I find that I'm the last one to the hall. A pale Nicole sits by Willie, with tears silently falling down her face. Frankie sat across from Lea as I sat in between them. (Yes it's a circular table, Bufordia was on a vacation)

"Thanks for coming so quickly." Lea says, "I believe Nicole has some things to share?" Nicole nods, but doesn't stand up.

"W-when I was out, I had a dream...and Henry was there. He said Peter had been with them and they were fine...but he didn't look fine." I look over at her, "what do you mean 'he didn't look fine?'"

Nicole's brown eyes look over to me, "I mean he had tear stains and looked like he had been fighting in a war.." She looks down at the table. "I really don't like the feeling of this..he also said that you might have a clue as to where they are."

"Woah, why me?! I get it that Peter is my boyfriend but why would I know?! I have no clue!" I snap, tone colder than it probably should have been...

"Well the prophecy also said 'a former child of Rome,'" Lea says shrugging. "Maybe they have Henry and Peter somewhere at Camp Jupiter?"

I nod thinking. "Maybe they're stuck in a cell there?" Just then there was a flash of light to the right of us. "That would be logical wouldn't it, Grace?"

I turn to see Randy smiling at me evilly.

(A/N:) Hey guys.
Yes I realize this chapter is hella short, but at least it's a chapter right? I hope you like it and all that shiz..
Might be a while till next chapter I don't know yet.

B y e .

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