Chapter 6

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The cold of the stone walls pressed against my cheek as I leaned in to listen to the conversation through rough walls.  Morgan was across from me in a similar position.  In her hand was a loose stone from the wall itself, which opened a small crevice in the wall where we could see and hear everything taking place.

The room in question was the Advisory Room.  A hushed conversation was taking place between Caspian and the ambassador of Archenland. When I took my turn peering through the hole in the wall, I saw the ambassador's long, grey beard bobbing as he spoke in a hush to the king.

"You're going to have to make an effort to rally the outer lands to ride with you into battle again." Caspian's back was turned to the man as he stared out a window, "Although our losses were small in comparison to the Vidalian ranks, they are still fresh. Two months is hardly enough time to prepare for another blood entanglement."

Caspian turned around and leaned into the windowsill, "How do you suggest we go about this, Theodric? I am out on the field every day preparing my own men. We can't waste a day, much less weeks, of valuable training time."

"You have generals for that, Your Highness. War isn't a one-man operation."

"A king who delegates is one who degenerates...At least that's what my uncle always told me." A ghost of time's past flitted past Caspian's eyes.

"Your uncle held a throne for less than a month. His advice isn't one to store in the archives," The old man laid a hand on his shoulder as he could see the man, the boy, retreating into a dark memory, "You are the king. If you are looking for my advice, I would take the cavalry you plan to ride with and make a tour throughout the outer lands. Show them the strength that will be standing beside them."

"You've never steered me wrong, Theodric. I just fear that they are tired of war just as we are. What makes this war any different than the one we have been facing with Vidalia for hundreds of years?"

My heart knocked against my chest faster and faster. An idea began to bloom in my mind. Before I could even formulate the idea fully, I stood and dusted my skirt off.

"Where are you going? It's just getting good." Morgan hissed.

"I'm going in."

"In?" Morgan arched an eyebrow.

"In." I gathered my skirts and made for the door.

I knocked firmly on the door and Caspian opened it bewildered at my presence. Since my first sit-in at a board meeting, I had avoided entering any room that held a Narnian politician, but this moment called for it.

"May I come in?" The question was simply a formality seeing as I pushed past him before I received an answer.

The ambassador eyed me warily as I gazed around the room. 

"I couldn't help but overhear-"

"Couldn't help?" Caspian's eyes immediately went to the hole in the wall where a set of green eyes promptly ducked away with a mumbled curse. The scrape of stone against stone filled the room as Morgan shoved the brick back into its spot. Moments later, she entered the room as if nothing had happened. 

"The details are grey on that one." I said glancing at Morgan, "But I have a proposition."

"Oh?" Caspian's eyebrows raised.

"You need to take me with you on the tour."

"No." Caspian's face grew grim as his arms immediately crossed over his chest.

"I'm not asking to be taken on a pleasure trip." My eyes were brazen at his defiance, "Can you imagine what it would say to your people that a Vidalian royal has allied themselves with you?" 

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