Chapter 24

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                                                                                    Caspian's POV

Sunlight. How is it measured? Can it be bottled?

I rolled deeper into the feather-down mattress letting one—no two minutes pass by. Maybe more.

The night before had crested me onto a wave that even my seasoned seafaring didn't know how to navigate. The sails bloomed into the breeze on their own and the galver spun in its own direction willing me onto whatever path it took me.

Is there a right way to navigate love? I don't think so.

My hand reached out to pat the empty side of the bed; expecting her warm body to be inches away from where I need only have pulled her into me, but I remembered her slipping out of the room—her face glowing, hair tousled, and the promise of a future illuminating her.

Betrothals and dowries had been offered to me in bounty. My hand could have extended to anyone at any time, but I had waited. There was no allure in a life sealed by a financial contract. I wanted my hands wound in the hair of the woman I loved as we breathed promises of devotion to each other, and I had finally received that dream.

I had to see her. It was the day that we would step into the light. We would go before the court and tell them of our intentions. I wouldn't delay it a moment further.

Rin and Cecily tittered and laughed as I passed by them, but snapped to attention as soon as they noticed me coming near.

"Your Highness!" Cecily bowed, "How may I-we be of service?"

The young woman thrummed with excited energy—her first real assignment I assumed.

"I was actually coming to find the Princess," I said, gesturing to the closed door, "Is she up yet?"

"No, Your Grace. Sleeping away," Rin said, motioning his hand like an arrow spearing off in a straight line.

"She must be exhausted," I remarked; tempted to go right in and wake her up.

"We'll take her right to you as soon as she comes out," Rin said with a nod of his head.

"That will do. Thank you," I clapped the faun on the shoulder and continued down the hall.

"I don't think I've ever been that close to the king before," Cecily's gasp carried down the hall, "He's more handsome up close."

"You'd say a toad was handsome if it was nice to you," Rin said.

"I would not!" Cecily spat; her voice echoing off the stone louder than she probably would have liked to have known.

The dining hall was lively despite the late-night many of the courtiers had partaken in. Benches were filled with tired, but happy faces passing loaves of bread and bowls of fresh eggs across each other.

Morgan sat at the head table beside Peter and Titus. Her hand lazily stirred the porridge in her bowl; her eyes far away.

"Why the glum face?" I said, seating myself next to her.

"I'm not glum," She said; not even bothering to look at me.

"You do look glum," Titus said, leaning across Peter to grab a jar of marmalade.

"Not you too," Morgan said, letting her spoon fall to the side of the stone-ware bowl.

"Just an observation, Lady," A teasing grin lit up Titus' face knowing Morgan hated being called by her title only.

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