Pretty In Skirt (3355)

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Pairing: Joochan x Jibeom
Top: Joochan
Bottom: Jibeom

It was Saturday and Jibeom was expecting a date with his boyfriend. They're both busy with college as seniors so weekdays kept them apart. But weekend came and Joochan was still unavailable for him. Apparently he has a last minute lunch date with his family which he can't cancel. Jibeom understands but what he can't understand is why wasn't he invited when Joochan's older sister's boyfriend is gonna be there.

Is he ashamed of me? Is that why he never introduces me to his family?

Joochan left in dashing semi formal clothes that morning while Jibeom was left in their shared apartment in sweatpants and striped shirt. He groaned in annoyance, he shouldn't have finished all of his schoolworks last night.

Jibeom looked for something else to do but the shows on the tv are mostly reruns and playing games right now doesn't sound fun without Donghyun. His last option was to sleep and it's not that bad now that he's realized how sleep deprived he is. "I hope I wake up the next day."

Getting into a comfortable position is hard so when his phone ringed right when he's found the perfect position, Jibeom's day was ruined for the nth time. He groaned, thinking it must be Joochan but he doesn't care, he's mad at him. Jibeom pulled his blanket when his phone dinged once again.

"Ah fuck you Hong Joochan!" He cursed, getting up on the bed to check his phone on the dresser.

Jaehyun: hey wanna go to the mall with me? Youngtaek hyung is busy today? :(

Finally, a friend who can empathize with him. Both are left hanging by their boyfriends.

Jibeom: okay!

Jaehyun and Jibeom went straight to the arcade, playing bets in every game they could see. Jaehyun won in the basketball game while Jibeom won in the karaoke with a score of 99. They were dead tired and famished after nonstop of playing so they decided to eat somewhere. The two were laughing heartily at a joke Jibeom cracked and it seems like they're having the time of their lives when Joochan saw them from a fancy restaurant.

It was just for a moment but Joochan was sure it's his boyfriend having a good time with another guy. "Mom, I'm sorry but can I excuse myself for today?"

"At least finish your food." His dad said.

"Sorry, my boyfriend texted me and he's sick. He needs me." Joochan felt bad that he had to lie but his heart won't calm and bad thoughts won't stop. He needs to know who the guy is and what are they doing. His parents are the nicest so they let him go without further questions, "Okay son. But let us meet him next time."

"At the party!" Joochan shouted from outside the restaurant before dashing to catch his boyfriend.

"Kim Jibeom!"

Jibeom thought he's hearing things such as his boyfriend yelling his name in a middle of a crowded mall. I'm crazy. Jaehyun tapped his shoulders, "Jibeom-ah, there's a guy sprinting in our direction. I'm scared he looks mad." Jibeom turned around and was baffled to see his boyfriend. He wasn't hearing things but like what the fuck is actually going on.

Joochan is athletic and strong so he was fine even after running and passing through people. "Who are you and why are you with my boyfriend?" Jaehyun was frightened at the look the man was giving him. His fox eyes was glaring hard at him and it felt like he could die from just that. "What are you doing? You're scaring my friend!" Jibeom hit his boyfriend in the arm, "Sorry Jaehyun, I have to go. I'll call you later."

"Oh, oh, okay." Jaehyun was left dumbfounded as Jibeom dragged his boyfriend in the parking lot.

"Who is he?!" Joochan demanded some answers.

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