Chapter One

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It was April, the rainy season. The Lyon pack had a large cavern in which they stayed in during winter and storms. Each family had their own area so not to intrude on each other. Kiara had her own small den near the back of the cavern. She built it herself up high in the rock wall. Away from everyone. She did not much care for most of the males her age in the pack. They always chased her tail and she wanted nothing to do with them. Even though her father wished different.
Awaking early one morning Kiara sat at the mouth of the cavern watching the pack.

"What troubles you child?"

Kiara turned and found her mother, Saria.

"Nothing. Why?"

"You look off."

"I'm okay. Where is dad?"


Jay came over and smiled at his child.

"I have come with orders from my brother."

"Oh goody."

Saria said rolling her eyes.

"More nonsense for Kiara to do."

Jay threw a look at his mate then said.

"He wants you to go out and bring Coldiron to him."

Kiara looked surprised, as Saria said.

"Hell no. She is not tangling with that monster."


Jay sighed.

"You need to give this up."

"That monster is no good and takes honor from the Alphas. It should be them who fight for us. Not him."

"Zip it mom."

Kiara said sitting beside her father.

"Tell me where to go."

Jay nodded once.

"Out by the pond. His den is there. Just go there tell him Alpha calls for him and he will listen. He always does."

Kiara nodded and stood.



Kiara was one of six white wolves in her pack. She could run like the wind and without a sound. Being the lead hunter she had to be. Darting into the trees by the command of her Alpha, she searched for the Remover.
Slowing up by the pond she saw an old shack covered in bear skins. Must be his place. Kiara has lived in the pack her whole life. She knew who the Remover was and what his skills entailed. All he did was sleep, eat, and kill for his Alphas. The pack members were banned from using his real name, so he was branded Beast. Also, banned from the pack cavern, he was unable to mate or breed at all. Forced to basically live a life of solitude. With all the fighting he has done over the years, it has taken a toll on his body. Kiara remembered after one fight he was missing an eye. Covered in scars and burn marks from his enemies it was useless for him to try and fine a mate. Even though the Lycan way was the more scars you have the stronger you are, because he was a Remover there was no pride in what he did.
Trotting up to his shack Kiara called for him.


She kept her voice strong. This was her first time out here, scared was not the word for what she felt.

"Beast, Alpha wants you."

The door opened and a massive silver and black wolf came out. Littered with scars and an eye-patch over his left eye. His other was a golden color. Almost like a real wolf. Kiara kept her bearing and stood up.

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