"How did we get this shift?" the second guard asked.

"All right, I'm gonna give you a chance to escape. Put down your weapons. Tie yourselves to those chairs. I'll let you live. In five, four, bang!" Tony exclaimed and he snapped his hands out again.

"Wow. That was-" the second guard started.

"You should be gone by now," Tony said.

"Thor help me," Emma muttered.

"You should've already been gone," Tony said.

"I am just beyond terrified," the second guard said sarcastically.

"Here it comes. Three, four-" Tony started again.

"Shut up," the second guard said.

"Five, four, three, tow, one!" Tony exclaimed quickly and then the left arm of the Iron Man suit busted through the window and attached itself to Tony's arm. "Told you."

Tony then blasted Emma free, blasted himself free, and looked at the window confused while Emma hid behind the bed. "Where's the rest?" He asked. He blasted one of the other men and started to fight all the guards, all while the rest of the suit connected to him.

Eventually there was only one man left, but he dropped his weapon in surrender. "Honestly, I hate working here. They are so weird," he said and Tony lowered his blaster.

"Maria, come along," Tony said, calling Emma by her middle name. Emma ran from her hiding spot and ran off with Tony.


Once they reached outside, the rest of Tony's suit got to him. "Ah! Better late than never," Tony said, then the face mask flew towards them. "Not this time. Not the face."

The mask attached itself on his face without hurting him. "Phew! It's good to be back. Hello, by the way," Tony said.

"Oh, hello, sir."

"All personnel, Stark is loose and somewhere in the compound. Repeat, Stark is loose and somewhere in the compound."

"Ah! Let's go!" Tony exclaimed before he picked Emma up, and tried to fly off, but his thrusters misfired. "Aw, crap."

Suddenly, they both saw the Iron Patriot flying off in the sky. "Uncle Rhodey?" Emma asked as she and Tony both eyed the suit in the air confused.


"Rhodey, tell me that was you in the suit," Tony said.

"No. You got yours?"

"Uh...Mmm. Kind of. Main house, as fast as you can. There's somebody I'd like you to meet," Tony said and Emma snickered. "It's not funny."

"I mean...it's kind of funny," Emma said and Tony grumbled before he walked them off to the main house.


In the main house, Trevor was passed out and the girls were on the bed, giggling. But then two security guards ran in. "You, you! Move! Get out!" One of them said and the girls got up and ran out.

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