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Streets of Tennessee

On the dark, night, empty roads, Tony was driving, Emma in the passenger seat, while he was reading over some files. But he slightly jumped when the files were yanked from his hands by the little person in his passenger seat. "Eyes on the road," Emma said before looking through the file herself. Tony looked back at the road, and sighed.

"Man. Happy, Happy, Happy," Tony muttered before he pressed a button on his console. "Call Rhodey."

After a couple of rings, a scruffy and confused voice spoke a "Hello?"

"You ever have a chick straddling you and you look up and suddenly she's glowing from the inside out, kind of a bright orange?" Tony asked, causing Emma to stare at him in slight annoyance.

"Really?" She asked in a whisper.

"Yeah, I've had that. Who is this?"

"It's me, pal. Now, last time I went missing, if I remember correctly, you came looking for me. What are you doing?" Tony asked.

"A little knock-and-talk, making friends in Pakistan. What are you doing?"

"Your redesign, your big rebrand, that was AIM, right?" Tony asked.


"I'm gonna find a heavy-duty comm sat right now, I need your login," Tony said.

"It's the same as it's always been, WarMachine68."

"And password, please," Tony said.

"Well, look, I gotta change it every time you hack in, Tony."

"It's not the '80s, nobody says "hack" any more. Give me your login," Tony said. The two heard Rhodey sigh, in almost defeat.

"WAR MACHINE ROX." Tony and Emma snickered a little. "With an X, all caps."

Emma and Tony just started bursted out laughing, but Rhodey recognized Emma's little giggles. "That is so much better than Iron Patriot," Tony said.

"So much," Emma said.


Tony and Emma stop laughing, completely frozen.

"Oops," Emma said.
"Oops," Tony said.


"Figures," Emma muttered before she straightened up straight. "You know, I told her where I was going."

Elk Ridge High School

Outside of the school, while there was a beauty pageant happening inside, Tony and Emma were in a news station van, on a computer. But as Tony was getting ready to log into Rhodey's account, they heard a man walking up to the van.

"Do not erase a programme from my DVR unless you are 100% sure...because you erase my shows!"

"I think we have incoming," Emma whispered to Tony.

"Glasses," Tony said and Emma quickly pulled out her fake black lined glasses, putting them on, right as the cameraman opened the van door.

"We talked about this," he said but noticed Tony and Emma's backs to him. "Excuse me, sir and-" Emma turned to him with a confused look. "-girl. I don't know who-"

Tony then turned To him, causing the cameraman to stammer in fanboy. "Shh," Tony whispered, his index finger to his lips.

"Mom, I need to call you back. Something magical is happening," he said before he hung up, his eyes still on Tony. "Tony Stark is in my van."

Crumbling {𝟞} | Marvel √Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora