Chapter 16 - Is Everything Okay?

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It has been five weeks since Jac and Kian's last conversation, Jac is ignoring all of Kian's phone calls, she ignores him at work - unless it's something to do with a medical case, everyone can feel the bitterness in the air between the two.

"Godard, tell Mr. Madani he is needed in bay 3." Jac says, crossing her arms irritated.

"No, I'm not your messenger." Chloe replies, not letting herself be used for their stupid bitter games.

"Godard, I do not have the time for this." Jac says, putting her hair up.

"Tell him yourself, I'm not being used in your stupid game of bitterness." Chloe says, walking off.

"Madani!" Jac's voice, rings out through the whole entire Ward.

Kian comes rushing from the office, "Yes Miss Naylor?"

"You're needed in bay 3." She says, before she grabs her stomach and winces.

He goes to help her, but she stops him "I'm fine." She says, as she walks away.

Six hours later...

Jac returns home and puts her coat up, she's been having weird pain all day but is trying to ignore it - but she can't not anymore, so she goes to see the one person she can count on.

She knocks on a door, and Sacha answers "Jac, what's wrong?" He asks, as she runs in.

"Somethings wrong, somethings up with the baby." She says, holding her stomach in worry.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"I've got pain, something's wrong." Jac replies, hugging into him "I need you to check or something."

"Let me feel." He says, putting his hand on her stomach.

"Jac, that's your baby kicking." He smiles, gently at her.

"It feels so.. different." She sighs, "But I still want a scan done."

"Right well I'll take you to the hospital, we can do a scan in my office." He says, trying to keep her calm.

"Okay." She says, as Sacha helps her to the car.

They arrive at the hospital, and Jac waits in Sacha's office for him to come back with the machine.

He walks back into the room with one, and she pulls her shirt up and he puts the gel on her stomach.

Almost instantly, the babies heartbeat is beating loudly - it's perfect and normal.

"That's a normal heartbeat." He smiles, looking at the machine.

Jac smiles back, and looks at him "Thank you."

"Your little girl, is perfectly fine."

"It's a girl?" Jac asks, shocked.

"Oh god yeah, sorry I shouldn't of said, should of asked." He says, passing her a blue towel.

"No thank you." She smiles "Hi there, little girl."

"She can't hear you, Jac."

"She can in the womb." Jac replies, rubbing the gel off and standing up.

She hugs him and smiles "Thank you."

"You're welcome and the pain you felt earlier, was definitely kicking." He smiles back, happily.

She returns home and goes to bed.

The next day..

Kian is waiting for Jac, in the office he looks at the time 12:45pm.

She walks in, and ignores him.

"We need to talk Jac." He says, sitting down at his desk.

"No we really don't, as clearly I'm not your family." She replies, putting her phone in her drawer.

"I didn't mean what I said." Kian replies, hoping to break through to her.

"Look you really just need to understand, that there is no chance for us now." Jac says, looking at him cruelly.

"I just want to be there for my child." He says, quietly.

"Does that not apply to Emma too, or did you forget that you adopted her?" Jac asks, sounding increasingly angry.

"And seeming as I'm not family, neither is this baby."

"I just want to know if the baby is okay?" He says.

"She's fine, and she's perfect." Jac replies, smiling for a second.

"She?" He asks, happy.

"Yeah, Sacha told me."

"You took Sacha, instead of me?" Kian asks, a bit angry.

"No, I had pains so I went to see him, he did a scan and everything was normal. The pain was her kicking." She replies, standing up.

"Can I feel?" He says, putting his hand towards her stomach.

"No, you can't!" Jac says, slapping his hand away and walking off.

Kian walks into bay 3 and sees the nurse closing up the medication trolley "I'll take it from here." Kian fake, smiles.

"Oh but, Miss Naylor said-." The nurse starts, before Kian interrupts him.

"It's okay, she said I should sort it."

"Okay." The nurse replies, as he hands Kian the keys.

Kian opens it and takes out a bottle of pills, perfect he thinks to himself - he'd fallen into their trap once again.

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