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Abby walks out after her shift to meet the man who she met in the club. Kelsia came with her too. She sees him leaning against his car with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and arms crossed.
"So, what do you want?" She asks. He looks over at Kelsia and nods in her direction
"Who's your friend?" He asks.
"None of your business, what to do you want?" Abby snaps back.
"You worked for my pal Rooster, right?" He asks.
"More like his slaves but, yes" Abby says getting impatient.
"He told me you girls are free ladies now, well I'm here to take you back" he says.
"Hell no, I'm not going with a low life sick son of a bitch like you" Abby says spitting on his shoe. He puts out his cigarette calmly and turns to her and says,
"Oh, now you really shouldn't have done that" and grabs her and drags her in his car. Kelsia starts running but, a second man jumps out of the passenger seat and grabs her and drags her back. They throw them in the back seat and drive away. After they get there he blindfolds their eyes and gags them and ties their hands behind their backs. He rips off Abby's clothes and ties rope around her arms and strings her up naked. He does the same for Kelsia.
"Now, where were we?" He asks,
"Oh yeah" he says and hits Abby across the face.
"Don't you EVER fucking run off like that again" he says angrily.
"You told us we could" Abby says. He strikes her again. He grabs her face and looks deep into her eyes, she's never seen him so angry.
"I'm sorry, daddy" she says.
"Good." He says stepping back.

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