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"This is kinda weird, isn't it?" You lean back on the sofa, snuggling into Harrison's side. Everything is quiet. No footsteps coming from above you, no clattering in the kitchen. Just you and Harrison.

"A little" He turns his head and smiles at you "We'll get used to it though"

"It's not like we've never lived alone together," You say and Harrison laughs. "But hey, now I can do this without anyone interrupting," you say before throwing our leg over his lap, straddling him. Harrison leans his head back with a grin and holds onto your hips. You gently grab his face in your hands and lean in to kiss him.

Harrison sighs as soon as your lips connect with his. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer and you run your hands through his silky curls. It's been a while since you've had a quiet moment alone with him. You'd both been busy with the move along with Harrison's filming schedule. He's gone a lot and you miss him every time. Though you do manage to visit him sometimes.

You trail your fingers under his shirt and are about to pull it over his head when the doorbell rings. Both of you groan.

"Without anyone interrupting, huh?" Harrison raises his brows. You climb out of his lap and make your way to the front door. When you look at the security camera you're greeted with three goofily grinning faces and groan again.

"Of course it's them" you mumble. You hear Harrison approaching as you open the door for your brothers. "Already missing us?" you raise your brows.

"We thought you guys would appreciate a housewarming party with your favourite people" Tom grins and enters the flat as if it was his own.

Sam lifts the crate of beer he's carrying a bit "We come bearing gifts"

Yes, you're happy when you get to see your brothers but you were hoping to get some alone time with Harrison during your first evening in your new home.

Harry must've noticed the look on your face because he smiles at you a little sheepishly. "I don't think Tom is quite ready to let go just yet" He suppresses a chuckle.

Harry might have a point. It's not like Tom's against the idea of you and Harrison moving into another place together. He understands that you need your privacy and that it isn't exactly ideal to live with your boyfriend and your brothers.

But you're still his little sister and maybe it feels a little bit like you're properly growing up now. Not that you hadn't been an adult before, but Tom has a bit of a hard time accepting that. You don't blame him though, you feel that way about Paddy and you don't even want to think about him all grown up and wanting to move out. He'll always be a twelve-year-old kid in your eyes.

You close the front door and follow Harry into the kitchen where the others are already putting the beer in the fridge.

Harrison is leaning against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed, a small smile on his face. You walk over to him and his arm goes around your shoulder automatically. You wrap your arms around his middle and he places a kiss on your head.

"Now it's not weird anymore," He says, making you laugh. He's right. The kitchen is filled with the commotion you're used to and maybe this was a good idea after all. It's gonna be a change to just live with Harrison again. Ever since Tom and Harry came back from filming and you and Harrison told the rest of your family about you, you never really had the house all to yourselves for longer than a couple of days.

You're looking forward to this new chapter in your life though. Harrison is the love of your life and this new flat will be sort of a safe haven for both of you. While living with Tom and Harry all you could do was lock yourselves into one of your rooms. And that's just not the same. Especially now that Harrison is getting more and more jobs, he isn't home as often anymore and you want to cherish the time you have with him. And let's be honest, you were never going to live with your brothers for the rest of your life.

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