Part 7

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The next couple of weeks you and Harrison establish a bit of a routine. Harrison spends most nights in your bed, the only times he doesn't you stay in his room. You have all of your meals together, whenever both of you are home, and the only times you're reminded of why this with Harrison is such a big deal is when you're FaceTiming your brothers. There's always that little voice in the back of your head calling you a liar when you're talking to Tom, but there's still time until he comes home so you manage to ignore it.

Harrison's audition for the tv show went well, and as you're waiting for Sam to return with your drinks, Harrison gets a call from his agent. You squeeze his knee in reassurance before he reaches for his phone. He's been waiting for this call for over a week now and you could tell how much it took out of him not knowing if he was being called back or not. With a small smile in your direction, Harrison gets up to go outside while answering the phone, the loud noises of the pub not the perfect environment for a phone call.

Just as Harrison slips through the door, Sam comes back from the bar placing all of your drinks on the table.

"Where did he go?" he questions motioning at the door while taking his seat across from you.

"His agent called. He's been waiting to hear back from an audition."

Sam nods "Sounds like it's a big deal."

"Yeah, it seems to be. It's a leading role in a tv show" You'd be lying if you said you weren't a little nervous, too. This role is important for Harrison, and you want him to achieve his goals.

You do your best to pay attention while Sam tells you about something that happened to him at work, but you constantly look over to the door to see if Harrison is coming back.

Finally, looking over Sam's shoulder, you can see Harrison enter the pub again, a grin on his face.

"Did you get the part?" You ask when he reaches your table, but Harrison shakes his head.

"No, but they want to see me for another round of auditions" You can't help but mimic his grin.

"That's amazing, Haz" You open your arms to give him a hug but his hands take hold of your face before he pulls you into a kiss. You're too caught up in the moment to do anything other than place your hand on the nape of his neck and pull him closer. But then you remember your brother is sitting right there.

You've shared so many kisses like that it's almost second nature. If you couldn't even stay away from each other for one evening, how are you going to keep this from Harry and Tom? Especially Tom. It was out of question that you were going to have to keep it a secret. At least for a little while. You'll have to prepare Tom for that. You can't just spring something like that onto him when he comes back from filming. He's definitely going to be angry then.

You pull away from Harrison wide-eyed. He looks confused for a second, but then you both turn your heads to look at Sam.

"Uh..." You swallow, your mouth suddenly dry. "Would you believe me if I told you it isn't what it looks like?" This could be the moment everything turns to shit. The moment he tells Tom, you and Harrison are dead.

"Well," His eyebrows are almost touching his hairline "it looks like you and Harrison are a little more than friendly with each other. So is it not like that?" He can barely contain the chuckle, making you bury your face in your hands. This is a mess.

"Please don't tell Tom," Harrison says, running his hand over your back soothingly. "He can't know about this"

"And neither can Harry," you add "because we all know he's gonna go running to Tom the second he finds out." Harry wouldn't tell Tom to spite you, but he can keep secrets as well as Tom. So he'd end up telling him at some point accidentally.

beyond being friends | harrison osterfieldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon