
Start from the beginning

"Breakfast has just finished so I can get some school work for you if you like," Phineas' voice pulled Draco from his thoughts.

The blond smiled tightly, nodding. The healer smiled and left the hospital wing. Draco's entire body seemed to sigh in relief once he left.

He sat up and leant forward. His head fell into his hands as the boy began to sob. Tears fell from his stormy-grey eyes.


"Dylan?" Harry said cautiously as he stepped into the Slytherin's room. He carefully closed the door behind him before walking towards the bathroom door.

"Hey, baby."

"Oh fuck!" Harry jumped a mile into the air. He was pretty sure his heart skipped a beat.

"I'm sorry, babe," Dylan chuckled lightly at Harry's reaction. He was shirtless and that made Harry blush slightly; he was always awkward around people when they weren't fully clothed. The taller boy placed his arms over Harry's shoulders, kissing the side of his head and slowly trailing down his neck.

"Dy-Dylan, I want to talk," Harry placed his hand on the other's chest, he pushed slightly hoping Dylan would get the hint. However, the boy continued to bite, suck and kiss at his neck.

"We can talk after," Dylan smiled, it wasn't comforting, it didn't contain happiness of any sort. It wasn't evil but it was...disturbing.

"Please- It's important."

"It can wait."

Dylan quickly grabbed Harry's wrists and held them together with on hand. His smile turned into a smirk as he shoved Harry against a wall.

"Dylan get off me please..."

The other ignored him. He pushed his leg between Harry's.

Harry's eyes widened and tears began to form. He didn't know what to do, he was almost frozen in place. His mind was yelling at him to do something to get away from Dylan before anything gets worse.

Tears fell, whimpers were heard but they were ignored. Harry tried to kick the other boy off his body but as the older pushed him onto a bed, he felt hopeless.

"N-no. Pl-please stop!" Harry finally got out. Dylan only continued. His disgusting fingers covering every inch of Harry's body. He removed Harry's shirt, the cold air hitting the boy's naked torso. He shivered - from the temperature or from fear he did not know.

Harry felt sick. He was going to throw up or pass out - he didn't know. His breathing quickened and his desperate attempts to get Dylan off of him were becoming more rapid. Finally his body was beginning to react.

"Your so fucking annoying," Dylan mumbled. He stood up and Harry sighed thinking it was over before it even began. The smaller boy moved to run but Dylan immediately stopped.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Harry's body was not completely frozen against his will. Now, he was utterly helpless.


"Have you seen Harry?" Hermione poked her through the door of Pansy's room. The girl was reading a Shakespeare play Hermione had given her before Christmas. The girls were a lot more secretive about their 'friendship' then the others were...

"I saw him leaving Hagrid's just under an hour ago," she said, her eyes never leaving the words in front of her. Hermione bit her lip and entered the room.

"He was in a mood this morning and he stormed off so I'm just a bit worried," she walked over and sat down on the other girl's bed.

"I'm sure he's fine, babes," Pansy licked her finger and turned the page. Even though Hermione was bouncing her leg anxiously, Pansy seemed very uninterested.

"Will you help me find him?" Hermione said after a few seconds of silence. Pansy sighed and placed the book on he bedside table. The Gryffindor smiled and grabbed the other girl's hand when she held it out.

Pansy pecked her on the lips and Hermione muttered a small 'thank you.' They then left the room.


Harry was trying to movie his arms but only his fingers twitched. He whined from the back of his throat.

"You're so annoying, like I would ever actually date you," he laughed menacingly. Silent tears rolled down Harry's cheeks. Dylan wrapped a firm hand around Harry's throat; cutting off his air and blood. His head felt fuzzy - dizzy. Soon, black dots were spreading across Harry's field of vision.

"Baby, we haven't even gotten to the good bit," Dylan smirked.

"Harry are you- HARRY!"

☞︎     ☜︎
Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know I've been having a rough couple weeks so I apologise for the chapter being later then usual :(

This was difficult to write and I tried to not write anything explicit because I would've felt uncomfortable and I'm sure a few of you would as well.

With everything going on in England at the moment or if anyone reading this has been assaulted in anyway, please do not be afraid to tell someone. Remember that you are loved and that you are beautiful <3

Thank you all so much for reading :)
Don't forget to vote!

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