" The party is out side, but before you go out there to those piranhas tell me little about your self, and how you and Benji got together. Don't get me wrong  my brother is a looker, but you are absolutely gorgeous I really underestimated my brothers game" Angie said making them both break out into laugher.

"Aww thank you, you are very kind Angela, but me and Benjamin were best friends for many years we met in medical school, but just recently came to our new found love for one another and have been just consumed in each other presence ever since. It's just something about getting to know each other on a deeper and more intimate feeling on a whole other level that goes beyond our years of friendship. Allowing us to fall in love with each other all over again, and being able to get  to know each other in a different way."  Miranda said blushing looking into Benjamin's sisters eyes.

" awww oh my gosh  I love you already that was beautiful, and I can clearly see that you care for him deeply. I know you and Ben are serious, I mean for him to bring you to a family function is tremendously big. In all my years of watching my brother date women he has never been serious about none of them enough for him to bring them around the family.
There was a phase where we thought he was gay just because he had never brought any girls home even when he was in school. Not that they didn't throw their selves at him he just was never interested. So I thought maybe he was but found out he was far from it couple of years later when I used his spare key to get into his place and  caught a sight of my brother no sister should ever catch. I'm so sorry I know you don't want to hear about Benji's previous history it's just I'm extremely nervous and I tend to  ramble when I'm nervous. It's just I know I should be jumping  through the roof right now cause I'm engaged but...."

" but you are  a big bucket of nerves I mean I get it. Getting married is a big deal, and your freaking out doesn't  mean you are any less in love with your fiance or excited  to marry him it just means it's happening  really fast and that you just need a minute  to process everything Angela." Miranda said  grabbing Angie's hands and finishing  her train of thought and resuring her of her emotions  and letting her know it's okay to let herself feel them.

Angela  inhaled and exhaled an large breath before pulling Miranda  into a tight embrace. "Thank you for understanding I just needed to talk to someone and I know I couldn't talk to Benji, because he would have tried to convince me that  I wasn't ready and try to stop the engagement party. Then my mother would have just told me to suck it up and put a smile on my face. So thank you for being here listening  to my crazy ramble you must really love Benji to endure my crazy roller coster of emotions just now." Angela said laughing taking  Miranda  by the hand and began to lead them  outside to the party.

Ben stood up when he spotted  his sister and Miranda walking through the door leading outside and began to smile. Miranda took in the scenery it was absolutely breath taking it was granite rooftop patio with fairly lights wrapped all around it. When you first walk out you  are at the end where the grill and bar are  placed.
Further down you are welcomed with beautifully decorated tables that are lined up on each sides leaving a big open space in the middle where people dance to the songs played by the DJ set up on the  opposite end of the bar and grill it was absolutely gorgeous.

Miranda and Angela stopped and mingled while Ben made his way to Miranda before he could reach her he was ambushed by most irritating human  being he has every met.
"BENJI !!!" Jackie said jumping out in front of making him jump back out of reflex.

" oh hey Jackie here you are again twice in one day lucky me" Ben said threw his gritted teeth.
" Hey handsome how is it possible to look finer than you did earlier today". Jackie said moving closer to Ben placing her hand on his shoulder.

" Miranda baby there you are I want you to meet one of Angie's  friend." Ben yelled catching Miranda's attention signaling her over to him.  Miranda excused herself  made her way over Ben giving a show as she  strutted over to him.  " Hey baby" Miranda  said walking up and kissing Ben on his cheek as he wrapped  his arms around her waist.

Our little secretحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن