Chapter 13

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Daisy's POV

I escorted Eden to the med-bay, she told me they already fixed her up at the hospital but I wanted to make sure anyways. As soon as we reached the entrance Jemma took over the care of my little sister. She sat her down on the bed and started examining the bruises and scratches.

"I'm fine" Eden moaned clearly being fed up with all the medical care.

"We will decide that, now tell me what happened." I stood a little to her left to make sure I wasn't in the way.

"Nothing really! We just got robbed and beaten." She didn't dare look me in the eyes instead she pointed her gaze towards the floor. "I couldn't help him." Her voice broke. She sat silently on the bed waiting for Jemma to finish. "I couldn't help him." She repeated this time a tear escaped.

"It's not your fault." I wanted to just pick her up and give her a long hug but I was pretty sure Jemma wouldn't approve. "Eden look at me!" I ordered. She slowly lifted her head up but avoided looking at me, "Look at me!" I repeated this time a little firmer. Her eyes darted around the room before they met mine. "You couldn't have done anything differently." She had to believe me but deep down I knew she didn't. She stared at me with tears in her eyes, fighting everything she was feeling at the moment.

"I'm sorry."

"You've got nothing to be sorry about." Jemma joined the conversation, "If anything you might have saved your friend back there." We both turned towards Jemma and frowned slightly as we were both taken by surprise.

"Come again?" I nudged

"If what Eden told us is correct she might have saved Luca from another beating." Jemma casually told us as she scribbled something down on her clipboard. "You're good to go." She then continued and padded Eden's leg.

Eden's POV

As I received my discharge I forced a smile on my face and slid off the bed.

"I'm gonna go to my room." I notified and left the two behind. The pain in my face wasn't as unbearable as the pain in my heart. Something happened and it wasn't right, this wasn't even supposed to have happened. We are enhanced human beings and yet we let ourselves get beaten up. If Daisy wasn't going to do something about it I would!

I stumbled through the halls on my way to my room when I came across an empty lab. This wasn't exactly what I was thinking about and I wasn't even sure if it would work but it was the first step. The door creaked as I opened it and I snapped my head back to see if anybody noticed - coast clear.

'What are you doing Eden?! You are stealing and betraying the people who gave you a home! This isn't right, you can still turn back. What! No Luca needs you! He needs to be able to stand his ground the next time before it will be his death.'

My mind was in overdrive making me hesitate as I slowly tip-toed over to the counter. I reached for one of the small crystal nubs laying in a perti-dish, hovering my hand just above it.

'Is this really the way you want to go?'

As I listened to the question bouncing around in my head my gaze set on my scarred arm. I needed this as much as Luca, there is no time to hesitate. This might be my only change, and they are probably not gonna miss a little nub like this soon. This was way better than trying to break into that chest with all the crystals, stored away under lock and key.

I grasped the terrigen crystal and slid my hand into my pocket. Just to cover my tracks a little more carefully I took the glass dish and placed it back in the cupboard. Now all I had to do was somehow get to the hospital and give the crystal to Luca. Oh and hope it works of course.

Daisy's POV

"I haven't seen you all day, are you okay?" I leaned against the doorpost and stared at my little sister who was lying in her bed with her legs pulled in.

"Just leave me alone please." A soft whimper came from her way.

"Eden it's okay not to be okay." As I heard myself saying it, it sounded stupid. "I remember when..."

Suddenly she turned around and stood up quickly, "Just leave me alone!" She yelled and stormed passed me out into the corridor.

Every fiber in my body wanted to stop her and make her explain herself but instead I watched her walk off. Why did she have to be so stubborn, it makes my job a whole lot harder.

"Eden! Eden wait up!" I couldn't help myself. I sprinted to catch up with her and grabbed her shoulder to stop her. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to see how you were doing. I didn't mean anything with it I swear." I looked into her eyes, "You've got to let me in."

As if that was all I had to say she broke down in my arms. The crying was uncontrollable and I didn't really know what to do, but then again I didn't know what to do with a lot of things when it came to raising a teen.

"It's okay, It's okay. Let's sit down." I slowly lowered her onto the floor and together we sat in the middle of the corridor again the walls. It took her another ten minutes or so to calm down enough to start talking again.

"It... It's all... my fault! Ev...Everything is my... fault." She stuttered still drawing deep breaths in-between. "Can we... Can we go see... see him?"

I knew that with 'him' she meant Luca, and even though that was the last thing I wanted right now I knew it was what she needed.

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