Ch.9: Unknown Territory - The Night

Start from the beginning


"What?" Barb snapped back. "Can't we just go into the spooky forest already? Stop standing around and let's go! Jeez!" She turned around and, before either of us could say anything else, she bolted across the bridge as fast as she could, disappearing into the darkness.

A few seconds later, we saw a faint, red light shining a few feet into the darkness.

"Come on!" she called out to us from the other side. "What are you waiting for?"

To my surprise, Katheryn ran past me, hopping across the stones and straight into the dark. At least now I wouldn't have to drag her across the bridge.

Now it was my turn. I could hear the stones sizzling from the sun's heat. But if both Katheryn and Barb made it over the bridge with no problems, then there's nothing to worry about.

However, as I ran across the bridge, the bottoms of my feet began to sting. With every step I took, that stinging sensation became more and more painful by the second. I clenched my teeth and dove into the darkness, desperate to get away from that scorching hot bridge.

As I crossed over, the sudden drop in temperature caused me to shiver.

"Are you alright?" my sister asked worriedly.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine!" I replied as I stumbled to my feet. I winced. They burned as I dared to put pressure on them, and I could already tell that walking was going to be a chore. But there was no time to stop and check if I had any severe burns on to bottoms of my feet. We've wasted enough time already.

That's when I noticed Barb's hair. It was glowing, almost like a lantern.

" did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Make your hair glow like that?"

Barb shrugged. "Too difficult to explain, not enough energy to explain it. Every troll I know can do this. Have you two seriously never seen a troll do this before?"

Katheryn and I gave each other a quizzical glance before looking back at Barb. "No, we haven't..."

Barb let out a little snort. "Wow! Well that sucks."

I sighed. Her sass was slowly starting to make me a bit upset. I looked ahead of us and noticed a dirt path that lead further into the forest.

"Let's go," I said, taking the lead again. There was no telling where this path will lead us, but if we kept following it, perhaps we would end up finding what we were looking for. As I continued walking, Katheryn held on to my arm while Barb trailed behind us.

The atmosphere was so much different than where we just came from. The air was crisp and cool, like a late summer night. The chirping of crickets could be heard as the plants around us lit up, lighting our path in the darkness.

All of it was eerie, ethereal, but breathtaking. This side of the island was like a whole other world!

 This side of the island was like a whole other world!

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