𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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Olivia's POV:

People think the darkness is scary because they haven't seen the beauty in it yet.

As I start my six and a half long hour journey, I can't help but wonder...

What do I do now?

Drugs!? Ha, good one, Liv!

I should do a mukbang!

Like you need to gain any more weight.

I'm broke anyway.

Guess I'll just wing it.

I'm gonna start by getting away from this scary place.

As I'm walking down the flooded streets, I come across a gas station. I can barely make out what the sign says because of the pouring rain.

Chris's Convenience Store.

It looked safe enough, besides all the sketchy people waiting outside it.

Oh well!

As I got closer, I noticed that each of them had a tattoo of a snake with red eyes on their right forearms.

That's funny, because all of my family (except for Daniella and Austin) have that exact same tattoo.

How ironic.

When I got closer, I excused myself through the large crowd, but stopped when I saw a boy around my age, possibly older with tan skin guarding the door.

"M-may I p-please get t-through?" I looked at the ground to avoid his gaze.

No, Liv. You need to be confident.

I let my eyes wander and was accidentally made eye contact with two brown eyes that held a mixture of lust and annoyance.

He scoffed and pulled the door open harshly.

"Thank y-" I started to say but got cut off by him slamming the door on me.

I could hear the faint sound of laughter erupting as I walked towards the bathrooms.

As soon as I got into the girls' bathroom, I sprinted to the last stall, threw my soaked backpack to the ground, and locked the stall quickly.

I'm so hungry.

There's gotta be some money in my backpack, I'm sure of it.

After rummaging through my soaked backpack, I was able to find a ten dollar bill.

Thank the lords.

I hadn't eaten in two whole days, and I think I kinda need food to function.

So, I gather enough courage to face the real world, even though I could barely manage my own family.

God Olivia, how could you possibly think that you would be worth something if you can't even face your own family.


No. Negative. Thoughts.

When I go out, I see three people from the clan of people from the crowd outside talking by the drink fountains.

When they notice me, they switch the language that they were speaking from English to Italian.

Ha, they don't think I understand.

"Amico, ti sto dicendo che assomiglia esattamente a Daniella e Austin. Come quasi identico, o sono solo io?" One of the guys said.

(Dude, I'm telling you that she looks exactly like Daniella and Austin. Like almost identical, or is it just me?)

"Beh, niente stronzo di merda! Questa è la tripletta, dopotutto. La prossima volta dovresti usare più di una cellula cerebrale." The girl replied in a sassy tone.

(Well, no shit asshole! That is their triplet, after all. Next time, you should use more than one brain cell.)

"Pensi che il capo mi darebbe fastidio tra le gambe di sua figlia, perché te lo posso dire in questo momento mentre lo guardo; quel culo è fenomenale." The second guy said.

(Do you think the boss would mind me in between his daughter's legs, because I can tell you right now as I'm looking at it; that ass is phenomenal.)

"Dubito fortemente che gli dispiacerebbe, la odia." The girl said with a laugh.

(I highly doubt that he would mind, he hates her.)

"Watch this bitches." The first guy said quietly, he thought I didn't hear. Well, about that, sir...

"Hey baby girl." He said, walking up to me with a smirk on his face.

"Ummm... Hi?" I replied.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone out here by herself?" The other guy joined in.

"Ummmmm... I-I don't know, just taking a break from school, I guess." I replied quietly, wanting to get this conversation over with.

"You seem a bit stresses. What if you come back to our place? We can help you loosen up.

"Oh. Uhhhh, no thank you."

"C'mon, don't be such a prude, live a little." The girl said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"I said no."

I started walking away, but couldn't get far because one of the guys grabbed my wrist.

I can't help but let my thoughts think of him.

"You don't have to be such a selfish bitch! Let us take you to our place, I promise you'll have fun." One of the guys said with a smirk on his face.

Slap him!

And so I did.

After I slapped the guy, I rushed out of there as fast as I possibly could, and started sprinting down the slippery streets, trying not to get caught.

After about five minutes of running, I think I had finally lost them, but to make sure anything doesn't happen, I take a turn in an alley.


This is the alley that comes down from my house, I used to play here all the time.

After debating with myself whether to go back home, I decide that I should climb through my window so no one notices me.

I do not want another beating.

When I finally got up to my room, I walked over to my bed and plopped myself down on it quietly

What just happened?


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