"(Y/n) that wasn't our intention-" Aizawa said.

"I don't care what your intention was!!!" Her throat burned, but she didn't care. Her emotions were all over the place, screwing her eyes shut as more tears spilled down. "You all lied to me! So what? So you could protect me from blaming myself?!"

"(Y/n)!" Her mother's voice cried out to her, "It wasn't your fault! It was never your fault!"

"Honey please stop yelling you'll hurt yourself eve-" her dad was cut off.

"Bullshit." Her voice dripped with venom. "Even at the end you can't stop yourself from lying to me. Not my fault?! If it wasn't for me you and mom would still have your quirks! Are you just going to keep lying to me? You call yourselves heroes but all this time you've just been lying to me straight to my face! Some heroes you are! It seems like the only people who are telling me any ounce of truth are the villains!"

"(Y/n) calm down." Aizawa said. "I know what we did was wrong but please, hear us out."

"Get out."

"Honey please...." her mom cried out to her, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

(Y/n) looked up to her with a glare as tears flowed down her cheeks pointing to the door.

"Get out I don't want to see your disgusting faces ever again."

"Young (Y/n)-"

"I SAID GET OUT! WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME HAVENT YOU DONE ENOUGH?! I SAID GET OUT!" She violently coughed into her hand, blood gushing out of her fingers. Her heart beat monitor started to beep as the numbers kept rising.

"(Y/n)!!!" Her mother cried out, scrambling onto her feet as she rushed over to her daughter, only to be pulled away by the nurse.

"Please leave! Her vocal cord hemorrhage is bleeding!" The nurse said as she hurriedly pushed the adults out of the room.

"(Y/n)!!" Her parents rushed out to look through the room window to see their only daughter coughing as her bed sheets stained crimson.

"Her internal organs are bleeding again and her heartbeat is increasing at an alarming rate!" A nurse yelled.

"Quick! Get the anesthesia! We need to rush her to the ER quick!" The doctor said.

"What about Recovery girl?"

"She's not here this week! Hurry! She's loosing too much blood!" (Y/n)'s struggling body quickly fell limp as her arm fell off the bed, quickly being rolled to the ER.


"Can we see her?" Uraraka asked.

"Yes she's in room 25a." A nurse smiled as she motioned an arm down the hallway.

"Thank you." Iida said as class 1-a made their way to the room.

"I think this is it." Jiro said pointing to a room that labeled '25a' with the patient name '(L/n)(F/n)'

Midoriya harshly gulped as he slid open the door as the rest of class 1-A slowly walked in. (Y/n) was leaning against the bed frame, her head facing the window as the back of her head faced her classmates.

"(Y/n)-chan..... we're here..." Midoriya whispered.

"Oi clean freak you're not gonna greet us?" Bakugo muttered, only to be slapped at the arm by Kirishima.

gross [bnha reader insert]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat