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Tommy sat at the top of L'manberg. They finally got their independence. He should be happy.
Except he wasn't. He felt uneasy, and a bit anxious.
Tommy sat there taking everything in. He won them their independence, but at what cost?
He didn't care that much about the discs, but Dream almost figured out his biggest secret. He almost figured out what Tommy was.
He almost found out Tommy was a hybrid. A demon hybrid to be exact.

Tommy knew if Dream or anyone figured it out they would use it against him. Use him as a weapon.
A demon is one of the most powerful hybrids. They would lie and say they care. They would only see him as a weapon just like Techno. He hated how people treated his brother. Luckily he wasn't in the SMP.
Tommy's eyes glowed a bright red as he stared at the moon. He heard someone come up behind him. He couldn't change his eyes back to his blue eyes that quickly.
"Hey Tommy whatcha doing up here?" Wilbur asked.
"Just looking at the moon," Tommy said sounding nervous. Wilbur was confused why he sounded nervous. He looked over at Tommy and he was staring at the ground.
"That's kinda weird because the moon isn't on the ground,"
Tommy's breath hitched. He couldn't let Wilbur find out he was a hybrid. He loved him, but Wilbur was... well he was Wilbur. He could be a loving brother, but he was also the president of L'manberg. And all at the same time, he was scared of Wilbur. He didn't know why. Something was familiar about him. He reminded him of his real family.
Tommy was adopted into Wilbur's family at age 5. He never warmed up to Wilbur. Yet here he is, running a whole nation with his brother as Vice President.
Wilbur scooted closer to Tommy and put his arm around Tommy. Tommy flinched from the sudden touch.
"What's up Tommy? You hiding something?" He said while laughing.
"N-no why would I?" Tommy stuttered.
Well, that totally gave it away.
"You sure? You didn't sound so confident in your answer," Wilbur persisted.
"Yeah, um- I'm good. Just tired." Tommy quickly lied.
"Tommy it's 7 PM and we did nothing all day except that meeting with Dream." Wilbur said. He was confused on why Tommy was lying.
"Why are you lying to me? What are you hiding Tommy?" Wilbur stood up. Tommy stood up as well. It would be rude to stay sitting. It was also rude to not look at Wilbur, but he couldn't.
"Tommy answer me." Wilbur took a step close to Tommy .
"Nothing! I'm just having an off day, okay!" Tommy felt small compared to Wilbur. He had so much confidence, while Tommy had to build a whole ego to be seen.
"You only lie when you don't look at me. So look at me and say you aren't hiding anything," Wilbur pressed.
"I-I can't,"
"Why not!" Wilbur raised his voice.
Tommy took a step back. He didn't want to make Wilbur mad, but he couldn't look at him.
"I'm heading to bed," he mumbled.
Tommy tried walking off but Wilbur grabbed his wrist. Tommy winced at the pain. He had self harmed on his wrist many times. Somehow nobody noticed.
"You're not leaving until you tell me what you are hiding," Wilbur squeezed his wrist tighter. Tommy tried pulling his arm away, but Wilbur's grip only got stronger,
"W-Wilbur you're h-hurting my wrist," Tommy's scars were reopening from being touched.
Wilbur was confused why it hurt him so badly. He wasn't putting that much pressure on his wrist. Tommy still wouldn't look at him. But then it clicked. Well a part of it.
"Tommy, can you lift up your sleeves please," Wilbur let go of Tommy's wrist.
Tommy tensed up. He figured it out. He couldn't say no. Either way he would know. He couldn't get out of it. Tommy took a shaky breath,
"Yeah," Tommy lifted up his sleeves and saw some of his scars reopened from the pressure Wilbur put on it,
"Come on Tommy. Lets go clean your arms," Wilbur felt guilty for grabbing his wrist. They walked into the medical area and saw Niki on the way there,
"Hey guys, is Tommy okay?" Niki asked sounding worried.
"Yeah he just fell. I'm gonna bandage him up and he should be fine," Wilbur said with a reassuring smile, he held Tommy close to him, putting an arm around his shoulder.
Tommy let out a sigh of relief when Niki was out of sight.

Tommy could feel Wilbur's eyes burning on him.
"Tommy will you just look at me,"
Tommy shook his head. For some reason his hybrid wanted to break through. Tommy and his hybrid are two different people. While Tommy is active, his demon sleeps, but when the demon takes control, Tommy has very little control over his body.
"No I will not." Tommy said sounding annoyed even though he wasn't.
"I don't get it. It's not that hard to look at me." Wilbur said slightly mad.
After Wilbur cleaned Tommy's arms he just sat there waiting for Tommy to say something.
"Can I go?" Tommy didn't want to be on this situation.
"Not until you look at me," Wilbur said.
"Guess we're staying here all night then," Tommy said quietly.
"Look. At. Me." Wilbur was getting angrier by the second.
"Why do I have to? It's not that big of a deal," Tommy said feeling his eyes become brighter. He hated being a demon.
"Because you're still hiding something. You would've looked at me already! So what are you hiding Thomas,"
"I can't tell you," Tommy says barely above a whisper.
Tommy could feel his demon side trying to get out. The only two reasons his demon side pops out is 1, because he's scared or 2, because he's mad. He's learned to control it when he's angry but he barely felt scared.
But he felt scared. He felt scared Wilbur and the others would find out.
"JUST TELL ME GODDAMN IT!" Wilbur yelled.
That did it.
Tommy's wings and horns popped out. His demon side took over. He would do this to protect Tommy or handle any situation.

"Could you not tell Tommy didn't want to tell you, or are just a dumbass?" The demon spoke. Wilbur stood shocked, barely even able to form a sentence.
"I didn't know he was a demon," he said with his mouth agape.
"Exactly. Maybe if you would have left the kid alone, he would have told you at his own pace. Just because your the president doesn't mean you earn the right to everything," the demon snapped.
"Why didn't he tell me though?" Wilbur asked feeling a little regret for pushing Tommy ive re edge.
"Because he's scared of you. Your a confident president who sometimes acts like a total dick to Tommy. It reminds him of his old family." The demon said, a little upset he couldn't help Tommy back then.
"What happened at his old family?" Wilbur asked curiously. He was very interested in Tommy's past from what very little the blonde has spoken about.
"Let's just say they were more of a dick than you were. Now, I'm gonna let Tommy take control and your gonna apologize to him, alright?"

Wilbur nods his head in response. Tommy's horns and wings disappear, but his eyes were still glowing red.
"Is that why you wouldn't look at me?" Wilbur asked, gesturing towards Tommy's eyes. Tommy nods,
"Yeah, you dickhead. " Tommy said angrily. Not his playful mad self, but actually angry.
"I'm sorry for pushing you Tommy but why didn't you tell me you were a hybrid," Wilbur asked.
"You know exactly why. If anyone finds out I'm going to be used as a weapon like Techno. I don't want that." Tommy says.
He was really protective over his demon. He didn't want him to be hurt, used, or tortured.
Wilbur nods his head,
"Right. Well we still have to talk about your um arms,"

Tommy rolls his eyes at how awkward Wilbur was making this.
"Fine, but if you say a thing to anyone about me being a hybrid I won't hesitate to let my demon side kill you. I don't care that your president,"
Wilbur eyes widen looking actually scared for a moment. He nods his head.
They both take a seat,
"Why did you do that Tommy?" Wilbur motioned to Tommy's arms.
"I really don't know. I'm not in my best mental state right now," Tommy laughs a bit and continues,
"I guess my stress just built up and I bottled up all my emotions. I haven't cried since the day I met you, Techno and Phil. I just don't want to feel weak. And self harming was an escape from reality,"
Wilbur looked at Tommy shocked. How did he never realize this? Did he even pay attention to the kid anymore?
"Tommy promise me you will stop hurting yourself," Wilbur sounded more desperate than he attended to.

Tommy shook his head,
"I can't keep that promise. As soon as I started hurting myself I was in deep. It's just like an addiction. I can't promise to stop self harming, but I'll try." Tommy said with a smile. It wasn't genuine, it was forced and anyone could tell.
Tommy's eyes turned back to their normal blue color.
"Alright that's good enough for now. How about we go to bed? We both need it," Wilbur suggested.
Tommy nods his head,
"Night Will, please don't say anything to anyone. I need to figure this out myself." Wilbur nods and heads off into his own room. He still couldn't wrap his head around Tommy being a demon. Well in Wilbur's eyes, that demon kept his little brother safe. He was no demon, he was a protector.
But whatever thought made Tommy hurt himself, that was a


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