If only I could go back.. pt. 2

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3rd person

Act three: Scene one- New L'manberg

Tommy was finding it hard to keep his mind off of Wilbur's death. And the only way he could distract himself was being with friends. And unfortunately, his thoughts got the best of him, and destroyed George's house. Tommy and Ranboo only had the intentions of robbing the mushroom house, but it caught fire, and neither of the boys could stop the fire.
Dream took any reason to get Tommy out of L'manberg, and took this as a chance. Tubbo knew Dream was a threat to L'manberg, and having him on his good side would be for the best. So Tommy was exiled, and pushed away from his friends.
Ghostbur came along with Tommy, and as much as Tommy appreciated the ghost's company, it only made him think about Wilbur more.
Days on end, Tommy would be hit and kicked, cut by Dream. Yet, he showed no emotion towards the pain. Tommy's life turned into a living hell, while Tubbo sat sulking in his office for days on end, regretting his choice of exiling his best friend, but he didn't have the guts to visit the blonde.
Tommy found himself wandering through the nether a lot. It was warm, and his mind seemed at peace there. The only time he wasn't in the nether was when he was asleep, or when Dream was visiting. The only thing Tommy found himself doing in the nether, was staring down at the lava. Hoping one day he could have the strength to throw himself off, into the boiling liquid below. But he always made up an excuse, leaving the nether, and promising himself he would be back tomorrow to finish the job.

Tommy groaned when the scene ended.
"Why did I have to be so depressed. It's actually painful to watch this shit," Tommy whined. Making a couple people slip up on a laugh.
Tommy looked over at Tubbo, who had a guilty expression written on his face.
"Tubbo it's in the past, you did what you felt like you had to," Tommy whispered, reassuring his friend. Tubbo let out a shaky breath, nodding slightly.
Tommy heard someone scream and turned in the direction of the yelling to see SapNap beating the absolute shit out of Dream.
"Sapnap stop!" Tommy said, jumping up and running over, pulling him off of Dream.
"Isn't be your best friend? Why are you hitting him!" Tommy said, looking over at Dream who was trying to breathe correctly. He stood between the two, trying to prevent Sapnap from hurting him again.
"Why wouldn't I? He needs to learn how much pain he put you through!" Sapnap said, rubbing his bruised knuckles.
"And that's why he is in prison. And I'm pretty sure Quackity is filling your position on that," Tommy reassured. Sapnap looked at Tommy confused,
"You know about that! What the hell!" Dream yelled, finally able to breathe again.
"It's quite easy to find out things. Especially when no one tries to hide it," Tommy explained.
Tommy pointed back at Sapnap's seat, gesturing for him to sit down again. Sapnap sighed and sat back down, not before sending Dream a glare.
"Why the didn't you let him continue!" Niki spoke up.
"Listen, Dream hasn't done anything wrong in the past couple of mon- in the past 10 minutes but it's not right to hit them for it. I should fucking know from experience," Tommy said, sitting back down in his seat.
Quiet whispers were heard throughout the theater, but Tommy didn't pay any mind to it, waiting for the next scene.
Wilbur leaned over, whispering to Tommy,
"You okay?" Wilbur said quietly.
Tommy nodded his head, finally refocusing his eyes, and looking at Wilbur,
"Just thinking," he responded.
"What are you thinking about?" Wilbur asked curiously.
Tommy swallowed hard,
"The next scene," he said, barely audible to Wilbur.
"What happens in it?" Wilbur asked. Tommy pointed at the starting scene, not giving Wilbur an answer.

Act three: Scene two- Exile

Tommy ran back though the nether, trying to get back to his exile before Dream. He had forgotten he was visiting today, and he would be punished for not being there.
Tommy ran to the portal, slowly teleporting to the overworld, and ran into his tent, acting as if he was asleep.
He heard footsteps approaching him, making his breath hitch.
A hand shook him harshly, and he pretended to wake up.
"Get up, you can't sleep your life away," Dream spoke harshly. Tommy nodded, and got up, mumbling to himself,
"What was that?" Dream said. Tommy looked up at the evil man,
"I said it's not like it would matter. Nobody would give a fuck," Tommy said louder, for Dream to here.
"I care, and that's why I'm here. To be your friend!" Dream said. Tommy scoffed,
"We are not friends Dream, and never will be," Tommy sated.
"But I've been here for you while you were at your worst! Isn't that what friends do?" Dream said, obviously trying to manipulate the blonde.
"If you were my friend you wouldn't beat me until I was left unconscious!" Tommy yelled, making Dream scoff.
"I was teaching you a lesson," he said. Tommy rolled his eyes, following Dream into the nether.
They were visiting Sapnap today, and he wasn't too thrilled.
Tommy waved awkwardly seeing Sapnap, and Sapnap returned the gesture, looking Tommy up and down.
"What the hell happened to you," he pointed at a couple bruises. Tommy shrugged, knowing Dream would hit him if he told the truth,
"I'm very clumsy and I don't have the resources for armor yet," he lied quickly. Sapnap nodded, and continued talking to Dream.
Dream and Sapnap decided to be rude, and entered the portal to the Dream SMP, leaving Tommy alone. Tommy rolled his eyes, and sat down on the ledge of the bridge, staring below at lava.

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