Short 3 - Meeting You Again

Start from the beginning

Harukawa fell to her knees, as so did Saihara. Yumeno covered her mouth to conceal her shock.

"A-Are you serious?" asked Saihara. He could barely contain his shock.

"With all my heart, sir. It really is a pleasure to meet you.." he put his hand out to do a handshake. Saihara debated whether to do it because he worked for Team Danganronpa, but because he told him that information he shook it.

"So, where are they?" he asked.

The man looked away, feeling guilty. "I.. I can't tell you that."

"Why the hell not?!" Harukawa said as she got up. "Where are they?! We deserve it after what you put us through!"

"I can't. Their address is in a place I currently can't access with my rank. I can however tell you that they are in this city-"

They were already out the door before he could finish. Saihara picked up Yumeno like luggage as they ran through the building. Harukawa yelled out to him. "Where's the exit?!"

"I don't know!"

"You're the Ultimate Detective, do some investigating!"

"I can't investigate while I'm running, and there's no clues to lead to the exit!"

"Except this one." the man from earlier ran in front of them gasping for air. "I can tell you where it is. Just please, let me talk." They were surprised of how fast he ran in front of them, they had a big heads start and they were going pretty fast.

They sighed. "Fine." Harukawa signaled them to stop running.

"I hate this stupid company. For multiple killing games now, all the survivors have to go through a hell ton of therapy." he said bluntly which shocked them all. "Pretty stupid of them. They still haven't stopped it because the people have loved it. Until, you guys came along. You've convinced the majority of fans to start at least questioning the games. I really respect that. Thank you." he went on his knees and bowed.

Saihara stared at the bowing man in shock. He still has his suspicions. "If you hate the killing games so much, why do you work here?"

"I've had a pretty shitty life," he starts, "this is the only job I can get. Getting into this company is easy as all we have to do is interview new participants. Every time I ask them 'are you sure you want to participate' and tell them the flaws but they always want to go through.."

This guy didn't seem so bad.. Saihara still didn't trust him completely though, but he had no choice but to rely on him. "Alright."

"To be honest, I came here before anyone else. I'm probably gonna be in a lot of trouble for being here." he chuckled. "I just had to help you guys. This place is probably gonna shut down anyways, so what's the point?"

Yumeno asked him a question. "Nyeh.. I'm a little skeptical. Saihara had a motivating speech, but for a game that's gone for so long.. How did everyone just suddenly decide to end it with him?"

The man quoted Saihara during the 6th trial. "Fiction can change the world."

She looked shocked but nodded her head. "..Okay."

"But yea, it didn't change everyone. To be honest, people still want the game. Like, at least 30%. People on Twitter are rampaging right now about the ending. Saying the ending was bullshit and unsatisfying. Thankfully, Keebo's survey had been a majority vote. Around 70% chose to not vote anyone, so Keebo voted no one." he smiled. "It really is Saihara's speech that convinced everyone, so thank you again."

"No.. problem." the detective responded.

"Would you like to get your past memories back? We can get them back if you want, but you will get erased for sure. Your memories of the killing game will remain, but more than likely you'll become the people you were before. For example, the Saihara that you are now will completely disappear."

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