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My name is Table Armadillo, and I'm not like other girls. I go- or went- to a normal high school, but I was always so misunderstood. I never liked makeup, gossiping, or cheerleading unlike every other female Homo sapien to ever exist. I just don't like to be fake, you know? Expressing yourself with makeup... it's just not my thing. I guess I just never fit in... but I don't really care. I never liked females anyway... unlike any of them I like sports, music, and books, so I'm just really unique... Sorry, I should get to the point. I used to go to a normal high school. My life was horrible, I was orphaned when I was only a year old, so I never really knew my parents. I was raised by my cruel stepmother and pure evil step sisters. This is the story of how I, Table Armadillo, rose to stardom overnight because of one journey to the woods...

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