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Marlene nodded, hating how he was pouting a bit. "Do we have to leave now?"

Peter shook his head. She grinned, kissing him hard on the mouth. He backed her up to the bed just as the scene changed again.

Marlene and Peter stared at the Earth in front of them. Peter grabbed her hand, squeezing it once. "Maybe after this has died down, I'll come find you?"

"Yeah?" she asked. "Maybe." She turned to face him. "Hey, Pete?"

"Hmm," he hummed, eyes staring at the Earth in sadness.

"Don't let Yondu take the Mind Stone, okay? Can you find somewhere to hide it?" she asked softly.

"Yeah, whatever you need for me to do," he promised. "You're not going to take it?"

"Not a good idea if it ended up on Earth from what I read about Terrans," she said. "What year is it on Terra?"

"Eh, 2005, I think," he said with a shrug. "I don't keep up with that too much. You ready?" Marlene stood, Peter following. He brought her to his chest. "I'm going to miss you, which is odd."

Marlene snorted. "Why is it odd?" She read his thoughts. "Because you normally only spend one night with a girl. Sorry to break your streak, Quill."

Peter laughed. "No, no. It was nice while it lasted." He kissed her sweetly once more. "Let's get you hooked up," he said.

After flying as close to the atmosphere as he could without being sucked down with gravity, he made sure her face was covered with one of his Star-Lord masks. "Just make sure the mask doesn't come off until you land, Marls, all right?"

"Yeah, okay," she said with a nod.

"Aw, Ms. Star-Lord, I think I need a picture," he said suddenly. Pressing his own mask, he placed a camera in front of the two, something he had done often in their few months together. He had a lot of pictures of the pair. "All right. Go before I smuggle you back to Nova."

Marlene smirked, walking to the entrance of the ship. A door shut behind her to make sure Peter did not get killed from being in space without a suit. When she was let out into the dark space, she heard Peter's voice on her communication device.

"All right. Fly down. I'll be with you until you cross the atmosphere," Peter whispered.

Marlene used her powers to fly down, not wasting anytime in getting out of the large and dark sky. "I'm good, right?" she asked.

"Yup," Peter responded. "Keep going, Marls." Marlene was getting closer and closer to Terra when suddenly, she was being pulled down by the gravity of the planet. "Marlene, I'm gonna lose you. Be safe, okay? I lov—"

Peter's voice cut out just as she began to free-fall in the air. Trying to focus on flying, her powers began to act up and she soon was emitting her blue light from every part of her body. From above, she looked like a rocket falling from the sky. The closer to the ground she got, the louder the screams of people below were.

When she landed, it was the largest explosion the city had ever seen—and the city had seen a lot of explosions before.

"Miss? Excuse me, miss? Are you alive?" she saw people above her. One person in particular stood out, brunette locks and soft eyes that she remembered. "Wanda, help her out. Come on."

Much like when she landed in New Jersey, Wanda and Aaron? walked down inside the crater the woman left. Marlene coughed, taking off Peter's mask as she was helped up.

"What is your name?" Wanda asked softly.

"Marlene," she whispered. "Who're you? Where am I?"

"Wanda," Wanda said, and then, she pointed to her brother. "Pietro Maximoff. We are twins. This is Sokovia. Where did you come from?"

"The Milano," she said with a dry chuckle as Pietro grabbed her arm to steady her when she almost fell. They did not question her past location, instead wanting to help her.

"Come on, we need to get you out of here before someone tries to arrest you or something," Pietro said with a laugh. "You're lucky you didn't kill anyone, Marlene."

Marlene nodded, looking around. "Where are you taking me?"

"To our foster home," Wanda said gently. "How old are you?"

"I-I don't know."

"You look about fifteen," Pietro said. "We're seventeen."

"Okay," she said, not knowing what else to say.

"Relax, sestra," Pietro said with a smirk. "You can trust us."

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