Chapter 1

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A Learjet streaked across the sky, the sunlight glinting off its shiny body, as a handsome man looked up from his perch on his horse..Singto raised his face , protected by tinted shades, to look at the plane flying towards them at a dangerously low altitude..

"Look at tat fool of a pilot..wat s he thinking of, flying so low in the mountains..?"Papa Boon, Singto's dad, said angrily.."he's gonna spook the horses if he doesn't turn around soon."

But it was too late already, as the earsplitting hum of the rotors came closer, the horses bucked..then the plane turned, causing them to break into a run, heading straight for the trees...

Singto reigned in his buckskin, trying to calm and control him, as he turned towards the direction of a well grown pony going berserk with his teenage daughter..she had been listening to music on her headphones and hadn't seen or heard the plane..

He made to move towards her,but stopped as he saw her skilfully calming the pony and regaining control quickly..

Singto whistled to the dogs trotting by her side and they streaked off after the horses..

"Keep them from the trees" Papa Boon shouted..but Singto was already at it..he along with his 2 helpers, Yod and Drake headed forward breaking off their path, pushing them to the meadow..

"It's the film crew from Bangkok..I can see the GMMTV logo on the side of the aircraft..."Papa cut in, as Singto came back after rounding up the horses..

Singto looked up wondering...


Inside the lush furnished cabin of the jet, Krist Perawat sat with his legs folded beneath him...looking out the window, taking in the lush vegetation filled hills below...

He felt an arm snake through his waist and settle on his hip. He turned around to see Earth settling into the seat next to him..

"The pilot said we ll be flying over ur property soon..can u see anything you recognize?"he asked peeping out the window past Krist.

"Almost everything " krist said turning to study the handsome face next to him. It was a strong, sculpted face, with high cheekbones and soft dimpled chin..thick shaped brows and a set to kill smile..this with the combination of charm and sex appeal, had proved irresistible to the world ever since Earth had entered the show biz, 15 years ago, shooting to instant stardom.

Looking at him, Krist again got the feeling that he had known him all his life, when in reality he had just met him 6 weeks ago at the audition of "Love and Lies".A role he had won eventually, the shooting scheduled to start in a matter of weeks..

Krist looked back out the window,thinking back to the whirlwind of changes which had assaulted his life these past 6 weeks..all the publicity and media attention from promotions has already made his head spin..He was kind of happy to have some normalcy for a few days away from the paparazzi..

"If you recognize the place, tell me where are we now?"Earth asked breaking his line of thoughts..

"We're flying over Fa lahwy stud farm" he said easily, suppressing the compressed feeling of pain creeping in his chest, as he looked down at the familiar meadow..

"Sky creek? I don't see any creek down there.." Earth teased..

Krist's soft laugh drew the attention of P'Jane, the director and author of "Love and Lies". But the minute he saw the blurr of trees outside he turned back, squeezing his eyes shut and gripping the arm rest tightly..flying wasn't his cup of tea..

Krist's agent the chubby Tutah on the other hand ignored his laugh, continuing to bug P'Yui, the publicist trying to get Krist the lions share of the publicity at today's charity event by Lee Chan, the Ceo of Lazada groups, their producer.

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