Mono ran in first, letting the fear and adrenaline take over him. Six sprinted behind him as the teachers neck grew, her old wrinkly head squeezing into the vent, chasing them.

Mono's pace picked up as the teacher shrieked more. She started to slam her giant head up, down, and to the side of the vent, causing it to rumble and shake about.

This slowed Mono down a bit, but he stopped and turned when he heard a small thud and whimper. Six had fallen, the vibrations the teacher had caused on the vent was too much for for tiny body, and her ankles had given way.

The teachers giant pale head slithered its way forward as Mono ran towards it. He grabbed Six by her upper arms and helped her up, she quickly steadied herself as he now grabbed her hand and continuing to run, making sure she stayed close to him.

The teacher continued to slam her head against the vent, causing waves of strong vibrations to throw the two off, but they continued to run.

They climbed up another of those latter's to another part of the vent. Mono took the lead, Six climbing up from behind him. Once he reached the top, he impatiently waited for Six, grabbing her hand and pulling her the rest of the way up when she got close enough.

"I SEE THE END!" Mono yelled as he picked up his pace, Six still in hand. He shoved his shoulder into the cover, it landed on the cement with a clang. The two jumped out, taking a look around. They were back outside, on the roof of the school.

The roof was flat and the floors were made of concrete. The only visible thing being the vent the two had just escaped from. The teachers head popped up, still slithering forward.

Mono hurried to the edge of the building, looking down for a way to escape. It was a long drop to the bottom, the ground being swallowed in a thick gray fog.

He hurried his eyes around more, they spotted on a small wire, leading down to another building. He grabbed the hammer from his belt and places it on top over the wire, his hands placed on opposite sides.

"Hold on!!" He yelled to Six as she came bolting over, wrapping both her arms tightly around his neck. Mono jumped, without count down.

Mono felt Six holding on tighter as they went gliding fast down the wire, the wind hitting their faces.

Six turned her head around to look back. She noticed the teacher had popped her out of from the vent, she was now chewing the the wire. "Mo-no!" Six tried to yell for his attention, but it only came out as a whimper. Luckily, Mono still heard her.

"Wha-?" He started to ask, but his question was cut off by the instant feel of falling. The teacher had chewed her way through the wire, causing it to snap.

The two fell down into the deep fog, it ate them up. Six had let go of Mono as they fell.

Then nothing? Mono's side slammed against something kind of squishy, not like the concrete street he had been expecting. He sat up to see he had landed in a big garbage bin, laying on top of some filled trash bags. What luck.

Mono's thought got trapped in his mind as he didn't see Six with him. He shot up, searching his eyes around for her. She was laying a little whiles away from him, on a different trash bag, she appeared to be asleep.

He ran his way over to her, tripping over the bags a couple times. He crossed his fingers, hoping she was ok.

He dropped his knees down by her side, and placed his hands on her arm, shaking her. She opened her eyes, sitting up a bit.

Mono sighed, relieved. "We can't stay here," he explained. "I have a feeling the teacher will be down here to look for our bodies."
Six just nodded in understanding, the exhaust starting to take over her, but she still had enough energy to keep going for a little while longer. 

He helped her up, grabbing her hand. They hopped out from the bin, their feet landing on the damp concrete of the city. Mono looked around for a good place to hide, but there was nothing.

Both Mono and Six whipped their bodies around when they heard the sound of wet footsteps making their way over to them. Shocked, Mono backed up a bit, his foot grazing over something.

His eyes tore away from the noise and down to what was under his feet. It was a circle, the word "sewers" plastered on the front. Mono stuck his fingers through the small opening pushing it away from the opening.

"Six!!" She flung her gaze towards him. "In here!!" He whisper yelled, careful to only get her attention. Six went in first, climbing down the small latter, Mono followed.

The sewers smelled awful, but nothing compared to the smell of dead animals back in the woods.

They hid next to the latter, attempting to hide in the darkness, but that darkness swallowed them as something slammed the lid closed.

The blackness now complete and surrounding.


Authors note:


So lately my wattpad on my phone hasn't been working, every time I open it, it just kicks me right out, so I haven't been writing and keeping up with the story as much as I should be.

So my posting schedule might be a little off and it will take me longer to write chapters because the only time I usually write is on my phone at school or where ever, but I'm not on my computer as much!

I'll try to fix the problem on my phone, but for right now, I'll try to keep up with the updates on this story, but it make take a little longer, depending on my phone. 

I'm sorry, Thank you!

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