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Mono crossed his arms and tugged on his dirty brown coat, wrapping his around him, shivering. He had been walking in the wet marsh for what felt like hours and the cold weather was starting to catch up to him. He knew he'd have to find somewhere warm and dry soon so that he doesn't get sick, or worse.

After another 20 minutes of walking through the wet, green, dirty, cold, water, Mono thought he saw something up ahead, but he wasn't sure because the dark sky made it hard to see. Smoke? Mono thought, walking towards it, he knew smoke meant fire, and fire meant warmth. He felt so close to it, yet so far.

Come on, come on, come on, Mono whispered to himself, out loud. The closer he got to the smoke in the sky, the more he could feel him self grow tired, every step dragging behind him. Fighting the wet mud and water didn't help to have him go any faster than he could. He dragged on and on until he could finally see where the smoke was coming from. A cabin? Mono wondered. He started walking faster and faster, fighting the sinking of the mud. Finally a warm place I can rest.

Another maybe 10 minutes went by before Mono was finally able to get out of the mossy water and onto the damp grass, he fell to his knees in exhaust, placing his dirty hands on the ground in front of him, his brown bag hanging from over his head.

Mono shot his head up when he saw the lights in the cabin flick off and he heard big feet stomping around, growing closer to the door. Mono quickly got up and hid behind the staircase leading up to the door. He heard the knob start to twist open and out walked a huge guy with a rifle. Mono couldn't see much but he could tell that the guy had a sack over his head and he was tall, like really really tall compared to Mono's small body. He felt his skin run cold out of fear and with a swift movement, he climbed to the top stair and ran into the cabin through the open door, just right as it was about to close.

Phew, Mono walked around the best he could in the dark, it was almost pitch black. He walked a little farther before sliding on something and slipping on his back with a thud. Ow. Mono got up onto his knees and waved his arms across the floor to find the thing that had tripped him. He leaned forward a bit and grabbed something, it was small and cold, Mono felt around it to feel what it might be. He slide his right hand down the cold thing in his left hand and clicked the button on the bottom, shining a bright flash in his face. He quickly brought it away from his face and smiled. Nice, this will be useful.

Mono clutched his new tool next to him as he got up past his knees, he decided it would probably be best to look around. Maybe there would be something useful? Or maybe he could find a good warm hiding spot to rest? Mono took a deep sigh, taking in what he thought would be fresh air and gagged, it smelt awful! How had he not noticed before? He lifted his flashlight, shining it around, he appeared to be in a kitchen, freshly dead animals laying on the table. Mono held his breath so he wouldn't gag, or scream. Disgusting, Mono thought as he made his way up the wooden stairs to the left if him, attempting to get as far away from the horrid scent as fast as possible.

Once Mono was finally up the tall stairs, he flashed his light forward, looking down the hallway, it was a straight hallway with 3 doors on the left, and another 3 on the right. Mono slowly walked to the first door on the right, which had, luckily, already been a jar. He slithered his way through the door and looked around the room. It was messy with old dirty, torn-down boxes and a putrid scent, but not as unbearable as the one in the kitchen had been. There was a big, rusty, un-made bed, which Mono had assumed that was the Hunter's bed. The floor was dark brown and creaky, and the walls were starting to grow mold and vines climbing up the sides of it.

Mono walked around a bit more before he accidently kicked something heavy. Mono held back a whimper, careful to not call any attention to himself. He rubbed his bare feet, where he had kicked the thing. He shined his light down to the thing. A hammer? Mono questioned, picking it up. This could be useful too, he thought has he tucked it carefully and securely into his belt, careful so that it couldn't fall on his bare toes.

He took a couple more looks around before heading back to the big wooden door. He squeezed his way out of the room, careful to not make any loud noises. As he was walking down the long hallway, he heard the front door open and a loud grunt as the Hunter threw his long rifle on the table besides the dead animals. Shit. He heard the Hunter's footsteps grow closer as he approached the staircase. Mono clicked off his flashlight and froze in fear. He looked around and ran to the closer cracked door, the second door on the left.

He swiftly crept through the door, hoping not to make any noise. Mono peaked through the crack in the door and saw the man walk up and down the hallway, before heading back downstairs. Mono breathed out a breath he hadn't even realized that he had been holding and sighed. Thank God.

Mono lifted up his chest and turned around to see something that was similar to a jail cell. It was divided by cold rusted metal bars and the middle part of it was covered by wood. In the cell there was an old un-made bed and a small dark silver music box. I wonder who this belongs to?

Just as Mono wondered, he heard scurrying from under the bed. Confused, Mono grabbed his flashlight from out of his pocket and clicked it awake. He knelt down and his knees and flashed it towards under the bed, where he saw something he never expected. What the-?!

It was a girl?


Authors Note:

Sorry this chapter was kind of short, but I promise the next one will be longer !!! I might not go exactly how the game does, just to add some of my own differences in there, but there will definitely be similarities !!! Thanks for reading hehe, I'm hoping to post a new chapter once a week but idk !! :)

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