Chapter 21

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Novel Full Game, Live Stream Chapter 21
Chapter 21

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart started to pound frantically. The box! It must be what he was looking for! It’s no wonder he couldn’t find it even after looking for so long – it had already been taken away by someone else!

He thought that it was likely to have been taken by them since the trio had entered the Yun Manor a day earlier than they did. They must’ve already searched the entire Yun Manor. If there was anything related to the plot, they would’ve gotten to it first.

Just as he was hesitating how to bring up the matter with the woman, the Yun family suddenly entered the main hall. Several women surrounded the Old Madame as they walked inside; they quietly found their seats, turning a blind eye to the blood on the ground as well.

It was deep into the night, and outside the open gates of Yun Manor, everything seemed to have been enveloped by the night, the darkness swallowing the village whole. There was dead silence all around; their hearts were heavy with worry, uneasy with what was about to happen.

The housekeeper appeared out of nowhere again, his voice calm as usual, “The time has come……..”

He had just finished speaking when there was a sudden clanging of gongs and beating of drums that sounded faintly in the distance. What was supposed to be festive and cheerful only sounded strange and eerie on this dreaded night.

Tang Mianmian couldn’t help but lean towards Xiao Tangqiu. Xiao Tangqiu’s eyes widened.

This was the very same scene he had seen in the coffin!

The sounds of the gongs and the drums got closer and louder; his heart jumped faster and faster. They must stop this ghost wedding!

But the question was….. how could he successfully prevent this ghost wedding from happening?

He could only take a gamble!

Xiao Tangqiu gritted his teeth, turned and walked towards the women of the Yun family. Tang Mianmian hadn’t reacted yet. The housekeeper suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Tangqiu, and said in a wooden voice, “The wedding banquet is about to begin. Please be seated.”

Without thinking, he raised a hand and pushed the housekeeper aside. And when the housekeeper tumbled to the ground, just as Xiao Tangqiu expected, he fell apart into many pieces like he had before. The womenfolk watched as the housekeeper split into pieces, their expressions unchanged, as though they hadn’t seen anything. That unwavering calmness chilled him to the bone.

If the former village chief couldn’t remember that he had already died, what about the Yun family womenfolk? Did they know that they were already dead?

Tang Mianmian immediately understood Xiao Tangqiu’s plan. As soon as he saw the housekeeper’s corpse pieces start to move, he ground his teeth and rushed forward, kicking the housekeeper’s head far away!

Luo Mansu looked at the both of them; he didn’t say anything but didn’t stop them either.

On the other side, Tang Mianmian found that the housekeeper’s head had rolled back on its own, so he fought off the nausea and kicked the housekeeper’s head far away again. This time, he kicked it out of the gates of Yun Manor directly, and the head was soon engulfed by darkness.

However, this was by no means the time to relax, because in the next instant, a few servant girls came in holding the bride!

The crowd immediately stood up, ready to act at any moment. Just as Xiao Tangqiu was considering whether or not to get rid of those servants as well, the woman holding the box suddenly moved. She took out a small knife and rushed towards the bride, swiftly plunging that knife into her chest in one move.

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